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Should i just stop talking to my ex-girlfriend? or should i try again?

What everyone else has already said. It's kind of like... she gets something out of you somehow and so she keeps you hanging on even though the both of you ended it. You might want to be there for her and be a constant in her life, but you need to think about yourself. Do you want to live like that? Just hanging on? I'd assume not.
Something to consider, If you make a decision like this, Is the relationship founded on trying to fix it or get the past connection you had back? Is the relationship founded on a renewed interest in said person, If your answer is the first choice or anything that correlates to it then you might wish to reconsider said connection. There is nothing wrong with pursuing a person that you have been previously with as long as that connection is based on being a connection rather then a attempt to hold on to the past connection you both had.
Well, from the OP, it sounds like she didn't intend harm? Maybe she worded it badly and was still unsure of her own orientation and "experimenting"? Were you having an argument when she said she loved her more? It'd be up to you if you wanted to give her a chance. Honestly, this sounds like what happened with me and my best friend. Because he was someone I only knew online, I ended up wanting to try a "real" relationship in RL, and ended up leaving him for someone else... but then it turned out badly and some years later we're back together again(he never stopped supporting me, and we never stopped being best friends), but this time it's more of an open relationship... I don't know it takes a REALLY open mind and high level of trust(for both people) to accomplish this. We've been together for almost 11 years now, and I really don't think I'll ever meet anyone who can be on par to him when it comes to emotional bond/trust.
You are in the years where you should be focusing on yourself. I know there are so many distractions and it is very hard, especially in your situation. If you two are meant to have a healthy relationship together then it will happen later, but first you need to grow on your own.
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