Is ok to message other people while building a relationship

keichi @keichi
Is ok to message other people while building a relationship
keichi @keichi
Is it ok to message other people even though you like this one person and texting them. I mean yeah keep your options open but if there's a mutual attraction that you both acknowledge and see it going somewhere then is there really a need to talk to other people?

Jinsei @jinsei
commented on
Is ok to message other people while building a relationship
Jinsei @jinsei
I would depend on your motives for texting other people. If they are old friends of yours then why not? They've always been there for you and may be like family. If you're texting them in the interest of being in a more intimate kind of relationship it's more or less analogous to trying to walk in two directions at the same time.
I won't say it's ok or not, but I can say it'll hurt your chances with either person should they find out. Just it'd hurt their chances if you found someone's trying to get with you and texting someone else.

Sunbae @alanzd
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Is ok to message other people while building a relationship
Sunbae @alanzd
It's all about the intents! But almost no doubt, you'll be jealous if he/she does do that. As long as he/she doesn't have the intent of being disloyal and the other person respects your boundaries, then no real harm.

keichi @keichi
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Is ok to message other people while building a relationship
keichi @keichi
Let's say hypothetically speaking the INTENT is to keep ones options open but the connection has already been made. But one is worried that just invade it doesn't work then it won't hurt as much. Like not putting all of ones chips on the table. Not saying its me!

keichi @keichi
commented on
Is ok to message other people while building a relationship
keichi @keichi

Jinsei @jinsei
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Is ok to message other people while building a relationship
Jinsei @jinsei
Part of a relationship is commitment. A person feels crummy when someone won't double down on them. Keeping one's options open is another way of saying, I don't fully trust you. It's hard to continue or further a relationship with a person that doesn't trust you. If there was trust, then there'd be no need for other options.

keichi @keichi
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Is ok to message other people while building a relationship
keichi @keichi
Let's just say it's her. We have the mutual connect but she's messaging other guys while she's texting me. She ain't my girl so I can't say shit but it bothers me. Should I let a potential thing go or pretend like it doesn't bother me?

Jinsei @jinsei
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Is ok to message other people while building a relationship
Jinsei @jinsei
If you gotta hash it out like this... it bothers you. Tell her. More importantly tell her how it makes you feel. If she likes you, she'll be concerned about your feelings and let the others know she's pursuing something with you. Maybe even ease up on the texts. If she fights with you on the issue, then how you feel may not be as important to her. Do you wish to be with someone who doesn't care that their actions hurt you?
Also know that if she agrees to stop texting the others you'll have to meet her halfway and trust that she's keeping her word. Sneaking around and spying to see if she's keeping her word would be a violation of her trust if you have no evidence of her breaking her word.

axel_ayumi @axel_ayumi
commented on
Is ok to message other people while building a relationship
axel_ayumi @axel_ayumi
I'm right there. I personally wouldn't do it because Im the type that puts all her chips on the table. I rarely take chances so when I do, I hope for the best. Besides, do onto others.... I wouldn't like it if that person was messaging other but it's not my place because we're not in a relationship. It's like don't go there with me then message someone else on the side. If you want me then only want me. (I recently put myself out there and I'm starting to regret it like crazy so I know how you feel) but, yeah, putting yourself out there is terrifying. Don't do something you'll regret. It clearly bothers you so casually bring it up and go from there. But do not let those emotions fester. Talk to her, keep it non confrontational

keichi @keichi
commented on
Is ok to message other people while building a relationship
keichi @keichi
We don't fight about it because I'm too chicken shit to bring it up. I just pretend like I notice nothin.
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