Jinsei @jinsei
Jinsei @jinsei
Is there a certain accent that turns you on? I'd love to see if it's a thing for English speakers or if I can gain an edge on the competition with my sexy American accent.
kc_watz @kc_watz
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kc_watz @kc_watz
I have a southern accent. I really like the British accent, its just hilarious to hear em and its so charming
Jinsei @jinsei
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Jinsei @jinsei
Strangely I've found rather recently that I have a thing for chicks with german accents... wtf...
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
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kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
I assure you as a british person there are some accents that make you wanna dig a grave and just lie in it some of the northern accents in Britain will make you cringe mostly from liverpool just search scousers and you will see what i mean
Jinsei @jinsei
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Jinsei @jinsei
I know of voices like that... But Kaneki-kun, which accents do find a turn on? Or are there none in particular.
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
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kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
hmm i dunno as i really don't mind many accents in terms of a turn on a american one is great sometimes but other times a sexy female russians now that i can do
Kohagura @kohagura
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Kohagura @kohagura
Honestly I feel like every non-standard English accent is really cute on girls. With guys, I think European accents in general sound the best.
Also hearing a subtle "Asian-American" accent is comforting for me. It's kind of hard to explain it though, because it's not your typical "Engrish" or "Fresh off the boat" accent, it's the accent of an Asian-American, born and raised in America to speak English(but often with Asian-speaking or bilingual parents), so they have no problems pronouncing things, yet they have this very slight accent...
I guess some examples are, the "x" sound is softer, and words like "Golden" sound a bit more like "Goden". There's no problems with R's or L's, and they have no problems with emphasis or tone in sentences. I think it's mostly with Chinese-Americans, but I did know a Korean-Chinese-American with it too...
randyran @randyran
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randyran @randyran
Loving the French and Australian accents on women.
Sunbae @alanzd
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Sunbae @alanzd
I agree randy! French accents are bae
Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Manga_bird @manga_bird
When you say British accent, do you mean the clipped/posh tone? Because not many people actually have that...And we have a huge variety of tones over here!
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