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need advice asking girl out

She's 20 and you're still underage. She's going off to college while you still have a few years of high school left. Worst case scenarios go from her facing jail time and having to register as a sexual predator for the rest of her life, to you being a drag on her continued education. Likely best scenario would be you getting your heart broken when she leaves you after being exposed to more mature guys. Sucks, but best choice for you would be to let go of your feelings for her.
dank meme 12/10
Everyone is worried about the age thing but in my high school most of the freshman girls were 14 and lost their virginity to senior guys that were 17 and 18 but nobody cared even if it was technically illegal.
well she's not in highschoool shes gunna get drop kicked by chris for sure
Just ask her... Its all about your confidence level seriously
Apr 11, 15 at 12:06pm
Be confident but dont be 100 percent sure it will work out
Apr 11, 15 at 12:10pm
Go in expecting you will be rejected.
im just going to wait get to know her better and get real close to her. i might ask her when we go see the dragon ball z movie, that is if its playing in my theaters anyways
https://imcclass.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/nike-just-do-it-logo.jpg?w=560 Also, don't really care for the autism meme :/
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