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Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Nothing much. Just trying to see if people are still there or even life at this point... -.-

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Hi, how are you? :3

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Hi, may you purhaps accept my furrend request? :3
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling

dream @dream
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Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
dream @dream
This probably isn't helping. Who knew there was a song like this.
The Love of my life is Asexual

dream @dream
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The Love of my life is Asexual
dream @dream
Why would you date other girls if you love her?
You don't seem very committed.
Does your love for her outweigh your lust?
I would advise you to find someone else if you want to be in a sexual relationship.