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What people think about homosexual relationships?

I have no problem with it, As long as they don't try to force me into it I won't care. Let them live as they see fit as it isn't hurting anyone. Homosexuals have been around since what Egypt? Probably longer then that, It's just recently that people have been having such problems about it. Also as a Catholic, Don't let anyone put you down because of it. Their pretty crappy Christians if they discriminate against anyone, We're suppose to spread love to everyone, even our enemies who hate us, Let alone people with just a different sexual orientation. Plus, The bible has been translated literally over a dozen times, Many things have been lost and changed through each one. People would change it to fit their own agenda's many times I'm certain. So I say just follow the basics or roots of it, If anything. The Vampire has spoken, Peace.
i dont care, they can do whatever they want it dont bother me but if one of them tries to grab me, ill drop them in a heartbeat
well if they love you and if you are straight you just say them no but i dont think we will ask out to a person which is straight
Not my cup of tea, but more power to you if it's yours! ~o)
@drmario It might have just been the one in their area, but they did say they refused them. I've never actually seen a photo of this friend, but they identify as male and sound just like a girl(on mic), so it's possible that they could have some visible cue that let them know, or maybe someone who works there knows... @_@ They said they loved their food but told us they couldn't because of that reason. :( And yes, I think it is a geographical thing for them, as they live in the south. They mentioned anime conventions(and strangers in general) to be terrifying as well, with sexual harassment and cops not doing anything to stop them. Said they nearly got molested while napping in a hallway at the convention, and that groping cosplayers is common. I'm glad the conventions I've been aren't like that.
To each their own I say, not really my business what they're into.
Why did sexualities become such a big deal these days? Are people really that interested in what others do/like/prefer. That's kind of sad. As for me, I support the LGBT community. And I find it hilarious, that most "straight" people think that gay man/woman will force their sexuality on others and turn others gay (sexuality isn't a choice, for those who don't know) or even hit on them. Some people have a too big ego. Ritsuko, stay strong, stay calm and don't let others bring you down. xx
idgaf. if pussy liking dick is acceptable then pussy can like pussy as well and dick can like dick. (my vulgar way of putting it yANNO)
I'm a fujoshi. lol. I love yaoi manga and anime. I like seeing two guys together. Hahha.. I can imagine sexy stuffs. :D and girl and girl is kinda okay. I have some friends like that and they love each other. So it doesn't matter.
YAOI POWER! I'm not gay, but sometimes I think it might be simpler lol! I'm fine with gay people. I wouldn't even "drop em" if one tried to grab me. You'd have to be a bit of a homophope to say something so silly. I know a few gay people and if they're usually pretty good at finding eachother.
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