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Best Location to find a Girl Friend

Go to Russia. There are 10 women for every eight men there.
Book stores and coffee shops have semi-annual spots on my daily commute, so I guess I'll recommend those. Somewhat off topic, but if you're looking for a guy friend check the post office. I hear there's a lot of male there.
Post Office? My dad works there. XD I've only seen middle-aged and old guys there, though. @_@ Community colleges always have people around your age if you're in the teens to 30's. Most shouldn't require enrollment to hangout in or join clubs in either. My friend joined the anime club AND lived there without enrolling. He didn't have internet at home, so he'd spend his entire day in the college's lounge/anime clubroom, and only go home to sleep.
Comic shops, nerdy hangouts, music stores, places you know they aren't there for business or on a hurry, anything that peaks your interest. You can strike a conversation faster and better if you have something in common. Well, when I used to do the dating "thing" that's what I usually do. Though I have gotten really bad at it, but blame a five year relationship, i forgotten how to talk to women easier. Then again I am not "actively" searching, i'm just here for friendship but heck if it happens it happens. Though to meet up with someone, you have to at least be able to strike a conversation, and keep the chatter going. Don't be afraid to ask for a number. Least idk I always get asked for mine and I am usually not uncomfortable giving mine away as long as the person doesn't appear to be a creeper.
Salvage yards and hardware stores. Women are always looking for a guy that just looks like he knows what he's doing with repairs, even if you don't know which end of a left-handed hammer is for tightening bolts!
Ah, well it's quite simple - if you can find any places where you reckon you'll meet someone with similar interests go there, like if you're into books you might find someone at the library, if you like working out you'll find someone at the gym, if you like drama then you might meet up with someone at a drama club or something like that. Different places correspond to different interests and what kind of people you'll meet there - if you want a girlfriend who's into anime and games and what-not then cons are your best bet at meeting someone without a doubt. As for the flirting part, you don't need to be audacious about talking to someone - as cliche as it may seem, just be yourself. Girls appreciate guys who are just acting as themselves and if you can make a good impression and strike a healthy conversation then you're in their good book. Nobody's perfect and they will notice flaws over time but don't let that bother you as they'll come to accept that the more they get to know you. Really shy girls are a bit more difficult but with the amount of shy girlfriends I've had, I've always found them to be the cutest and definitely the best catch without a doubt! To boil it down, just go to a place you like, find someone and be natural and if they see you as a potential romance then you have very little to worry about :D But just know that a girlfriend won't come flying into your lap - you have to make that happen.
Lines for a panel, cosplay gatherings, midnight game releases (this one works like a charm, seriously)
I guess I don't have any saying in this since about most of these choices are good. Don't know about cons due to many have a mind set on something else. I could be wrong. I would like to comment on one of the earliest posts on this topic. I thumbs down on the marine or military. The thought or "the cake" is a lie. Yes I'm military as well. And which is why I'm still on here. ( =w=)
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