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What do guys find attractive?

American culture has been shoving big butts in our faces for almost 20 years yet I'm still not attracted to them.
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Aug 01, 15 at 6:29pm
Does it matter? some people find one thing attractive ... some people another. We're all hot af anyway.
BOOBS!!! nah jk its gotta be the cute voice for me. but then again who cares about the voice aside from me ^^"
My absolute ideal quality is someone that I got the "makes me want to be a better person" feeling from. I would like to know if that really exists or if its just another one of the silly things people say when their heads are full of love chemicals. But back in reality... Overall style. Body type. The right type of strong personality. Common interest. Moral standards...and I think that's it. In that order. I don't think I have ever liked any two ladies for the same reasons so that is a generalization of my checklist.
Aug 02, 15 at 11:54am
i like the shy girls they are so cute just makes me want to hug them.
For me the most important thing is personality. Looks are nice, but if I think someone likes me, it doesn't need too much more. I also may be a softy for eyes and a smile. :D
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