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Hey girls...What things do you hate about guys?

Someone called me?
*stares at the muffin* ._.
You can eat it you know? no one's gonna steal it from you.
*feeds ashimuffins a muffin* <:
Shove it down her throat. she's hungry.
*coughs on Special K* :|
I don't hate guys as a whole, but I feel like many of them have this hidden "I'm the best, all girls must be into me and only me" vibe to them. I remember seeing someone call it "Highlander Penis Policy", like "There can only be one!". It's probably because of all the TV and movies showing the male hero as the leader of a harem or something, that some guys feel they deserve a harem of sexy girls, while the girls can only have him and nobody else. Basically, many guys are very territorial. Anime fans are no exception, when you look at the general male reaction to the Free! anime coming out. They were so territorial and acting like the animation studio had betrayed them, just for making one anime aimed at girls. There was so much misogynist and hateful comments towards women from that. A lot have the "nice guy" act too. Where they will say, "I'm a nice guy, I do this/that, but no girl will ever notice/date me". I get that they want someone, but the way they come off as is entitled. To me it sounds like, "I try to be nice, therefore I deserve a woman". Most of the time, they aren't trying enough or even going out of the house or initiating talking to girls, and that's why they can't get noticed. I think it's a problem caused by media too, where girls in movies will just automatically be attracted to a guy for no reason. There seems to be a lot of guys with super big egos too, and if you even do anything that might slightly hurt it, like telling them they're wrong(and if they really are wrong), they'll get all defensive about it even if you try to be as polite as possible about it. I think it may be a bigger issue online than in real life though, because guys I meet irl aren't often like that compared to gaming forums. These are things that can apply to girls too, but I rarely see girls with these problems. Most of all, I hate how so many have the inability to sympathize with women. No, just don't compare childbirth to getting kicked in the balls. Do not compare periods/cramps to anything. Those are painful things we HAVE to deal with in order to do something GOOD(ability to give birth to you). Men would only get kicked in the balls if they did something to piss someone off, or were being clumsy. The pain is not permanent/regular and doesn't last that long depending on severity. There's not only the physical pain, but emotional and mental pain... Men don't understand how it is to be raised in a society where you're expected to be eye-candy, and taught that if you're unattractive, you're seen as worthless unless you're some kind of super genius. You see so many unattractive and unstylish guys on TV and movies, but all of the girls(especially ones with actual roles) are so pretty and fashionable. It's so deeply ingrained into society, that we even do this for other girls to see us as pretty, and not just men. We have to impress everyone, or be seen as a slacker.
A+ Excellent work Hagura.
Personally I think most people in modern society, irrespective of gender, feel as if they are entitled to a lot of stuff. Its all part of the "I'm a perfect snowflake" ideology that has increasingly come to the fore in the 21st century society.
Another thing to add, a lot of guys who complain about girls, are complaining about the obnoxious types of girls who go to clubs/bars, or criminal gold-digger girls they'll probably never meet, which are completely different from gamer/anime fan girls.
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