A High Fantasy story I'm working on.

Afomaru @afomaru
A High Fantasy story I'm working on.
Afomaru @afomaru
I'll be finally be actively posting up my work here! Hopefully I'll finally get the character limit down while I do this.
**Before you begin reading, I just want to let it be known that the first Three Paragraphs are told in an omnipresent Point of view, then swaps into a First Person PoV of the Main Character. Alright, and with that out of the way, please enjoy my attempt at this story!
Chapter Zero - The Magician's Relocation
A woman in her bunk awakens to the call of a morning rooster. A simple sound that signals her to wake up every day, minutes before her fellow garrisoned soldiers would. Quietly slipping out of the sheets, her feet touch the stone floor and she strides to her chest of personal effects. Her fingers slide across the engraved Viltha on it and the box makes a quiet click as it creaks open. A magically sealed chest like this isn't truly out of the ordinary, but this woman has some pride in being its owner.
She smiles and grabs her equipment out of the chest. A simple pair of iron clad boots, black cotton leggings, a form fitting leather vest and the thing that let everyone know her position as an elite militia woman of Thelleta: A simple metal and golden insignia detailed with two rapiers crossing each other. After dressing herself and pinning the insignia to her vest, she grabs a green coat out of the chest and slips it on, letting the mana imbued silk warm her senses as it slides over her bare arms. The cuffs settle on her wrists and she closes her eyes, letting the coat give her a refreshing boost.
Many of her fellow soldiers enjoy a morning brew of tea or bitter coffee, but for Viltha, slipping her uniform on is enough to fully wake her up. Viltha smiles to herself, turning to face her bunk mates with a resounding stomp and a booming yell...
“Let's wake up and start the day, folks!” I walk to my effects chest and kick its top down to seal it, making a loud slamming sound to awaken my fellow garrison soldiers in case my stomp wasn't enough. The one above my own bunk falls out of her bed, sheets and all. I launch a green mist of mana from the palm of my left hand and engulf the falling bundle with my magic. Its descent slows as a gentle glow envelopes the sheets. A woman's thin arm pokes out and I hear a muffled sleepy voice.
“Thank ye Vilthra~” the arm slides back into the sheets as the bundle touches down. After waiting a moment, the sheets begins to worm toward the chest with “Fulreth” engraved on its plate.
“One more to the right, Ruth.” I walk down the line of bunks and start to tear the sheets off the top row of members who haven't fully woken up yet. As I make my way back for the bottom row, I notice Ruth's bundle picked up by a tall man and set in front of her own chest. Fulreth takes his spot quickly and noisily gets into his heavy armor with the aide of a yawning woman. It's always amazed me that the knights could move around in all that metal. He thanks his bunk mate and briskly walks past me, his armor jingling and clanking.
“Vilthra, let's walk, the commander from the northern region wants us to meet up with him at the mess hall.” he calls out. I jog to catch up with him and match his pace.
“What's going on, eh? Is there still something going on in the northern frontier? I thought our soldiers would have been enough to handle the beasts out there.” We exit our resting quarters and make our way through the stone paved halls. Fulreth begins to rummage through his satchel.
“There are less threats now, however our forces haven't been doing the extra clearing. The creatures aren't just being slain for typical supplies.” Fulreth brings out a parchment from his satchel and hands it to me. It has sketches of various creatures and a feminine, cloaked figure, with notes etched throughout the paper. His artistic ability and excellent notes never ceases to surprise me.
“I'm guessing we don't have much to go off of besides this then...” I take in what I can as we walk down some stairs and talk. Fulreth speaks as he helps guide my steps while I focus on the details on the paper.
“I only drew this from the few details I've personally received from the couriers. It would appear that animal carcasses have been strewn about in various areas of the frontier, but haven't been striped of their meat or hides. Hardly anyone ever hunts for mere sport, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume mana is being harvested from the creatures.” I feel a slight tug on my coat from Fulreth. “They're going to fill us in.” I look up from the note. We've reached the common hall, with a few of our superiors quietly eating. I stow the note and step forward to salute the visiting commander.
“Commander Gerris, I'm Vilthra, part of the elite forces in this garrison. I'm looking forward to working with you in the north.” this gray haired man has a strong build to him and is even taller than Fulreth. He waves for me to be at ease.
“As am I. Please, go place your orders, I'll discuss matters with you at that table over there.” he points to a table with my own Commander and stands up. Fulreth and I walk past a few tables and speak to a woman nodding off behind a counter. I tap my boot lightly against the half wall.
“Morning there! You have a late night or something?” She snores a little. Fulreth and I take small portions of parchment from the roll resting in front of this woman. I write down my order, then lick the back of the paper and slap it onto her forehead and quickly walk away. Fulreth catches up with me, attempting to stifle his laughter.
“I can never really understand how you so easily swap between being so serious and still enjoy stints like that.” he and I glance back to see the woman drowsily putting a hand to her forehead. We quickly look forward and I smile.
“All work and no play makes for a boring me.” I shrug, then put on a serious face to address Gerris. Now that I think about it, I'm not terribly short for a woman, but Gerris is just a towering mass of intimidation, unlike the slim, long eared elven woman that leads this Garrison.
<<That's all for now, Please look forward to an update within a Week! Afomaru - 3/17/2015>>

Afomaru @afomaru
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A High Fantasy story I'm working on.
Afomaru @afomaru
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Afomaru @afomaru
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A High Fantasy story I'm working on.
Afomaru @afomaru
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Afomaru @afomaru
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A High Fantasy story I'm working on.
Afomaru @afomaru
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Afomaru @afomaru
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A High Fantasy story I'm working on.
Afomaru @afomaru
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Afomaru @afomaru
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A High Fantasy story I'm working on.
Afomaru @afomaru
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Afomaru @afomaru
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A High Fantasy story I'm working on.
Afomaru @afomaru
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Afomaru @afomaru
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A High Fantasy story I'm working on.
Afomaru @afomaru
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Afomaru @afomaru
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A High Fantasy story I'm working on.
Afomaru @afomaru
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Afomaru @afomaru
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A High Fantasy story I'm working on.
Afomaru @afomaru
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