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Let fate guide you?

I may be going kinda far asking this but do you let fate guide you to find that one person? I kinda dwell into that and just let life happen around me. Just go with the flow. There pros and cons to this, I think.
Mar 18, 15 at 3:31am
By fate, you mean just going with the flow? If so, yes, that is how I met everyone I know so far. XD Not by doing "nothing", but by just doing whatever I do.
That is kinda generalized and depends on life in general or love. I am fairly laid back until I have a purpose then it's full steam ahead. I let fate keep the stage interesting but assert my will over it as needed to get to my destinations. Fate does not always guide you to a single person directly but instead opens doors to possibilities. The most meaningful relationships I gained often were when I was not looking for them. I explored them as I could because when they are gone they are gone. Sometimes it is better to regret doing something than not doing something. Do not wait for all things to come to you especially happiness. Go out and discover yourself and be discovered by others. This is about the same for life and love really IMHO.
Mar 18, 15 at 4:11am
What DarkuSchneider said. xD
Mar 18, 15 at 9:09am
Focus on you, let it come afterwards. If you're going to have to wait (you will have to,) may as well better yourself along the way. Your partner benefits, you benefit, everything pretty.
Mar 18, 15 at 9:55pm
I don't believe it fate unfortunately. Like crimson said just focus on yourself and everything else will fall into place.
Mar 18, 15 at 10:26pm
The last 2 posts are right too. By improving your own self, and your skills, you become a person others can enjoy being around more too. Find things you like to do, and you can meet people who feel the same way.
Juveh - LTNS bro.(fist bump) I always kinda though of Fate as what happens when you refuse to take control of life lol.
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