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Would you date a milf?

@ rina yeah that true. The thing is if they look like a mature, older, woman, with nurturing characteristics by sight, they automatically get labeled a milf. To answer your question, it usually has to be someone who you just have a milf fantasy at first site.
Mar 17, 15 at 12:45am
No, having kids is a massive deal breaker and turn off.
Super Saiyan put it nicely. Anyone ever here of a Dilf? xD Kids these days . & C'mon, neet, they're so cute! They'll be calling you daddy in no time x)
Mar 17, 15 at 1:15am
omg, @ crimson
Mar 17, 15 at 1:15am
No because I'm not interested in dating women with children.
Mar 17, 15 at 1:27am
I'd so go out with Betty white
Mar 17, 15 at 2:41am
crimsonsun2xseries, why would I want to deal with kids who aren't my own? why should I have to deal with that mess? They made their bed and and they're sure as hell not gonna drag me into it. Not my fault they left their man or their man left them or whatever. I shouldn't have to suffer because of it. it's hard enough to find decent people without them bringing more problems into the relationship. I've already stated before that I don't much have interest in women who have been around the block already, already having kids is like taking that to the extreme. Not only do you have to worry about impressing her but you gotta get along with her kids too or you'd be in for a bumpy ride. Kids always get in the middle of relationships, even when they're your own. They're a burden both financially and emotionally. There's enough problems with relationships without dealing with having to find time to go on dates between dealing with school and babysitters or whatever. Not to mention the women out there who already have kids are just desperately looking for financial support most of the time. They don't care about you they just want someone to help them with the mess they got themselves into. They don't need love because they already have someone to love and they'll always put their kids before you. Your not their father, you're just some guy to them and I sure don't need someone that doesn't need me. That's not to say I wouldn't ever want to have kids, but that's something I feel people should save for latter on into their relationship. This would be after they've had plenty of time to be together and are at a stable point where they can handle the responsibility of raising a child. To bring one into the relationship from the get go is a big hell no.
Meh. I dated a few, it depends on the person.
Mar 21, 15 at 1:17am
I already have! *Flex* Actually it was probably the worst relationship I ever had, the chick was a psychopath, a bigger psychopath than the people in Psycho-Pass!
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