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Would you date a MtF if she were passable?

No because I'm not attracted to men. More power to you if you're trans and willing to put your body through the ops to change it, but if you were born with male plumbing regardless of any physical changes you've made, it's not sexually desirable to me.
If they are at heart a woman, I think that is most important for determining if they're a woman. If they know that there is more to being woman than fetishes and sex. One of the sad things I see in a lot of pre-op MTFs is that they obsess with sex and fetishes, and making themselves into a sex object. It's a disservice to both themselves, true MTFs, and women as a whole, as well as a misdiagnosis of autogynephilia, which is when a guy is turned on by the thought of yourself as a woman. Also, many will have a skewed perspective, and think that by becoming a woman, they'll automatically look beautiful like that MTF photo in the original post... they won't look that good unless they looked good or androgynous as a guy. It would require a lot of surgery. I'm not fond of cosmetic surgery, though. Of all of my friends who consider themself MTF, I can only truly see one as a true woman. She really understands how it is to be a woman and deal with crap, the only one I know who doesn't fetishize womanhood, and is the only one to come out of the closet with her family. If I knew I was lesbian, and it wouldn't hurt her(because I cannot commit to monogamy), I would probably not mind dating someone like that.
No because at the end of the day it's still a man regardless of their appearance. Also if they stopped hot one treatment then what. There is also the children question down the line I mean even if they look like a girl, act like one and so on . It's imposibru to have kids on their own so no. The facts don't lie.
that song explains all
@invisibal love that song hahaha
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I am pretty androgynous....... I dont judge on that really even. If she was awesome then YES FOR SURE OFCOURSE I would date her.
I would, why not? i wear bootbands.
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