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For the guys looking for girls

Mar 18, 15 at 12:47pm
"So, you're a shy, awkward 32 year old virgin social outcast with low self-esteem? Well, have I got a solution for you! It's called: GET OVER IT. It's clearly that simple, guise. But let's just go ahead and disregard things like depression, low self-worth, agoraphobia, and other anxiety disorders - that's just random shit 'Big Pharma' made up to get rich off you. So, once again, I reiterate: Get. The hell. Over it. It's that damn easy." -This thread has been paid for by the OP, who has no idea that people suffer from real-life disorders.
And once you let all those real life disorders give you an excuse, you still have yourself to blame. No matter what crappy unfair hand you've been dealt, you're still in control.
Real easy to say if you don't have to live with these things for the rest of your life. Unless you actually KNOW the person, or know exactly what they're going through, I don't think anyone has the right to say such things. If it WERE that easy, then anyone that says "Get over it" could become a licensed psychologist.
I agree with you, its simple, not easy. And anyone is welcome to do whatever they want with the info. I'm just telling the truth, something people don't like to hear. I'm not bashing anyone and there's no need to take it personal. Sorry if I offended anyone, but you can either continue to be lonely and blame it on shyness, or get up and do something about it. I don't see much gray in this area.
I agree with the whole first page(couldn't be bothered to read the rest). It's so common to see guys online treating the internet like a vending machine for "free girls". Just treat them like you would treat any friend, that is the best way to get to know someone right? You don't want to date/marry someone who's gonna reject your hobbies, after all. All of my friends have met their loved ones by simply being good friends to them, spending TIME with them, and then realizing they'd be happy together as a couple too. Usually if you're flirting so openly, and aggressively, you might come off as a player or scary person, but if you show your friendly side first, that is better because they can start to feel comfortable around you. The worst experience with flirting I had was the guy who I only knew for one day who touched me on the public bus and had a creepy try-hard romantic vibe that came off as... creepy. Then continued by always asking my friend where I was...(I stopped going to school.) Also guys who randomly IM you from out of nowhere and flirt with you like you're a game. The best? The 2 long-time friends who have considered relationships with me and stayed the same friends with me even after breaking up. They treated me as human, had excellent communication of true feelings, and we're still best friends.
That's all I've been trying to say, maybe hearing it from another guy isn't going to help
Even if you have disabilities, well I have disabilities that make me pretty much unable to talk in real life and freak out and look creepy/weird in real life, making people question if I'm mute or don't know English, but I've been able to find people online who accept me because I can still type and express myself that way. So, you shouldn't let your disabilities get in the way. Find friends online who will accept you, and through those friends you'll just make more and more, and eventually may even find someone who really likes you more. Before I discovered the internet, I had no friends. Nobody in school would even talk to me because I was considered creepy/loner. Online I could make friends just by being myself and having fun.
Mar 18, 15 at 10:32pm
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Interesting. I'm a bit back and forth on this subject. I mean you're telling introverts to stop being introverts. that's illogical to me. I get the point, can't meet people if you don't talk to them, and on a site like this there is a lot less reason to 'wallflower' because we are here because of a love of anime. However, telling someone to stop, chat and flirt is one thing. Maybe someone should try teaching/giving tips? You can't just start doing something you have little to no experience with. take me for instance, I'm a shoddy conversationalist, online. I can flirt ok in real life and if not on a first date can usually find something to chat about. But online I can't read reactions, and I can't perceive anything about a person except the words they give me, so knowing we ther or not I'm on a good topic to chat about, or what have you, is extremely difficult. And starting a conversation is the worst. I do not understand how "Hi" or "Hello" isn't acceptable. That's how people start conversations!
^ lol. I agree with your last line, but everyone seems to want more, just go with it, I guess. Anyway, I agree OT, to an extent. Like you said, it's simple, but it's usually not easy considering the type of person in question (i.e., hesisitant, doubting, etc.) you can't go from being that way your entire life to all of a sudden being self-confident because someone on MO told you. It takes time. But, overall, I agree; The sooner you say "I can," the sooner you actually will.
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