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Emotional infidelity?

Mar 02, 15 at 12:35am
What would you do if someone cheated on you emotionally, but not physically? Would you stop dating or talking to them? Would you forgive them and move on? What would you do?
Define emotional infidelity? How would you know? Like if I was dating you but fell in love with someone else?
Mar 02, 15 at 1:45am
Yea exactly. It's when you're in a monogamous relationship, but you fall in love with someone else.
At that point I find an exit from the relationship. It's no longer viable, at best you're just existing together. The mood turns stale, the other person is mentally absent while physically being with you.
Mar 03, 15 at 1:13am
You should take the place of Dr. Phil Nikita.
Mar 03, 15 at 1:13am
I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Unfortunately, most relationships are defined by emotions. If both persons are not in love then then isn't much reason for a relationship, might as well just be friends if anything. The only other reasons to stay in a relationship are financial or emotional dependence, convenience, or merely for the sake of raising children. It's best to be open with your partner about your feelings or lack of and hurt them less then by cheating or leaving without explanation.
I guess at that point you have to decide whether the person is worth the effort of trying to win back, or would it be better for both of you to just end it. Hmmmm, without realizing it, I went through this last year. A girl I went to see after knowing for years started falling for her ex again. She became less flirtatious and quiet. I could tell she just wasn't there anymore, and decided to end it.
Mar 03, 15 at 9:23am
I think it depends on whether or not my significant other's feelings towards me have changed for it to really bother me. I don't believe love is a zero sum game. As long as they still care about me the same way as before, our relationship is still good, and they don't act on it in the physical level, then I think their entitled to the privacy of their own thoughts. But that's just me probably hahahaa
Mar 03, 15 at 5:22pm
I don't think you should just leave the person if they are not with you "Emotionally". A relationship takes a lot of work. Emotions and "falling in love" is a thing that starts it most of the time or how you develop to like that person. I've been in a 5 year relationship before and it was like 3 years together and 2 years long distance sadly we broke up because of the distance and the relationship is just gone. For me try working it out first. Give it your best to get the feelings from your beloved back, if he/she doesn't really want to then I guess that's the time to consider if you still wanna stay because at that point you are the only one slowly dying. As I've always believed in all relationships, it is always easy to fall in love but it is "staying in love" part is the hardest. Takes only a chance to fall in love, work to stay in love and decision to get out of love so hopefully this'll help you. Give it your best, no regrets and if it ends up good then NICE. If it doesn't work out then at the very least you have no regrets that you gave everything you have and try to slowly move on even if its crawling :D
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