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Fat guys vs. Skinny Guys

I don't believe in such a thing as "diet butter", because when my parents buy real butter, I just put enough to taste it, which is a little bit, and when my parents buy the fake diet butter, I end up drowning my food in it... That can't possibly be any healthier. @_@
Mar 22, 15 at 1:38am
WOW. I'm so amazed by how much this simple question I ask in the forum has gone.
This thread got derailed within the first pages we just keep going back to the topic or referencing it
Mar 22, 15 at 2:35am
lol It's a good question.. we're having fun with it.
You guys are overlooking the real issue here and that is sex compatibility
Mar 22, 15 at 2:58am
Wallace.. I think you need to explain more if you want people to understand..
Lol ok is it just me or people just have their preferences while choosing partners for the whole procreation process only?
A lot of people have answered that Wallace. I did. My answer in a nutshell: I don't care cuz I have no right to judge being fat and I know the struggle. I don't find I have any better compatibility with someone who is fat compared to skinny and vice-versa.
I did not make anything out of that could you run it again
Sam is skinny. I am fat. It is okay if Sam gets fat. I will love him the same. Cuz he is Sam.
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