A quiet girl....

fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
A quiet girl....
fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
It was supposed to be another easy job.....in and out just like that. Nnnoooo.....not me. No, instead they dump me off and in the middle of nowhere with nothing but snow and old empty ruins as far the eye can see and the only thing they left me was a coat.....A COAT!
How is it that I ended up here? I can't even remember.....
I guess it doesn't really matter does it?
Looking back all I ever did was just drift from place to place, fight who I was told to fight and kill who I was told to kill....As long as I had an enemy it didn't matter. It wasn't much of a life but it was mine. So what changed? To be honest I guess it doesn't really matter does it....You're gone now.
After what happened I left the military...I was disgusted with it all and just wanted to just drift off; I didn't care where.
But things never work out the way you want them to do they? I should've learned that with you...but I was so tired of fighting.
Before I knew what was happening it was already too late. I turn my back and start to walk away and I was run through; left to die here in this godforsaken place....What a joke.
It was cold and getting colder as the world slowly faded to black with only the sound of my breathing to keep me companny as my life ebbed away.
....What a shitty end.

fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
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A quiet girl....
fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
All around me the world just slowly faded away until I was left with only my thoughts...and even they started to become hazy, slipping further and further away with each passing second. I'm not sure why but as I drifted away I was suddenly thinking of that day.
Yes...My dearest yet saddest memory. It was a warm summer's day I think. I can remember too well but the waves and the ocean breeze. The way it made you smile as the breeze gently embraced you. Those things I'll always remember, even now.
Now what was it that you said that day?
Oh yeah, you were smiling and talking about the ocean...
**The waves....they're really pretty aren't they; don't you think so?*
-the girl asked, smiling as she let the breez dance through her dark hair. She was a pretty girl; fair skinned with wavy shoulder length hai and possessed of a vibrance that only the sun could hope to match. She wasn't a tall girl but tall enough. Her white summer dress swayed gently carrying away the scent of her favorite cherry blossom perfume. The girl's presence was enough to hold the man in place but it was the scent that drew him, barely paying attention to her words....It was pathetic really but for someone in love it was all the reason one needed though in truth maybe it was simply the peace of a dream that bade him stay. -
*Hey, did you hear me?!*

fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
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A quiet girl....
fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
-the girl asked again tilting her head in the man's direction only to see a sullen and quiet man barely nod as he continued to stare off in the distance held by his sweet dream.-
(...Not again!)
- the girl thought to herself.-
*Hey! Goofball, I'm talking to you!*
-and just like that with a simple wave of her hand the dream was over and the man was brought, if painfully back to reality. It was such a quick and graceful yet savage a moment. Something that only a close bond could produce...-
*Ow!....Huh?....What is it Cecily?*
-the man asked, slightly confused and rubbing the back of his head where she struck-

fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
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A quiet girl....
fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
**in progress**

fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
commented on
A quiet girl....
fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
-The could only sigh-
*Oh, so now you pay attention....*
-The girl shook her head a bit but smiled before sitting down, her arms crossed and her legs tucked under them. The man just looked confused but was happy all the same....For the two of them this was a regular routine. A bond only the two of them shared.-
*Anyway I was talking about the sea and how pretty it was and what you wanted to do later....Jeez, you can such a spaz*
-Despite her words the girl had this strangely satisfied tone in her voice and a tiny sparky twinkle in her eye, almost mischievous even though the man didn't notice....As always he was just barely able to keep up.-
*...Oh, sorry about that but yeah...I guess it is.*
-The man paused.-
*Um....I dunno, I guess Mina's for lunch?*
-It was then that the breeze picked up and the girl Cecily sighed-
*I shoulda guessed...I mean don't get me wrong. I know she's a great cook but it still pisses me off....I mean really.*
-The man looked at her and schuckled before patting her head.-
*What?...Something funny...? (under her breath)...Jerk*

fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
commented on
A quiet girl....
fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
-The man laughed again-
*No, it's nothing...Just that Mina acts the same way about you. For sisters you two have the oddest quircks. Anyways, you know I like spicier food anyway.*
-Cecily couldn't help but be embarrassed and her face was bright red....an inside joke between the two of them. She quickly stood up and face away from the man as if to try and hide-
*Sh-Shut up!*
-The man smiled, the girl still blushed and the world just went about without them as they stayed frozen in the moment....Then Cecily spoke softly, without turning to face the man. Her voice was as gentle as the breeze around them,; a change from her usual pace.-
*....Hey, Locke. You know I've got your back right?....I'll always be here, right here for you...
I know I must sound silly but....it's true.
I'll always be at your side...
I promise.*
-With that she grabbed the man's hand and notioned hime forward-
-....And that was it....The world slowly dimmed and began to fade away. Until only the memory of the girl's words were all that was left....-
**Prologue end**

fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
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A quiet girl....
fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
Chapter 1 - A quiet girl and a full moon
....Wait. Something....Something warm?
What is it? Hey, where ist that...? Under my head?
-Feeling around as best I could I managed to drag my numb, barely moving left arm to the back of my head and what I found was enough to send chills up my spine in shock. There in what I could only imagine was the dark and what must be the middle of nowhere was another person's lap of all things! I couldn't believe it! Who in their right mind would be out here besides me...I managed with some effort to open my eyes and after a bit of readjusting I found myself staring up at the ceiling of some house or something...I couldn't say for sure...but that wasn't the strange part. It was who I ended up looking at that got me...
There she was, this small and pale girl with shortish silvery hair with my head in her lap. I didn't know what to think so I just slowly sat up and looked at her and then around at the strange place I found myself in.

fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
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A quiet girl....
fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
The room was dimly lit by some lanterns by the corner and it was night outside. It looked brighter out there because of the snow and it was still kinda cold....I shivered abit and turned my attention back to the girl. She seemed so small and the lanterns's light gave her this strange quality to her: it was hard to explain. Her amber eyes fixed on me with their piercing gaze. She didn't say a word but she slowly got up and went over to a small pot over what looked like a small fire. I guess that explains the stew I smelled. She came back and handed me a bowl and waited as she sat down with hers. I guess she wanted me to take a bite. Looking down I saw the beef stew and just took a bite: I figured at this point it didn't really matter what happened as long as I got something in my stomach. It was a savory and thick beef stew on the spicy side. Honestly at that moment I honestly think it was the best thing I'd eaten in a very long time and just wolfed the whole thing down...Meanwhile the girl ate and looked satisfied. After finishing I told her how good it was and she smiled. A small pause and she pointed to my bowl and then the pot. I think she wanted to know if I wanted more so I nodded...and why not? It was good and I was starving. It almost made me forget I'd been left for dead until I felt the bandages....Looking at my gut I saw fresh wrappings. I can only assume the girl did this but I wasn't sure. I mean for one tiny girl to drag me here then tend to mywounds seems....well, I mean I'm a stranger and until she saw me didn't know if I was dead or not. It was just hard for me to understand....I wasn't about to question now though.

fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
commented on
A quiet girl....
fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
We just sat and ate our meal in silence with only the flickering of lanterns and the sounds of our bowls and spoons scraping to make any real noise. At that moment nothing felt all that real, like all of it was just some dream or maybe that time had somehow just stopped....Still, I could only take so much and wanted to break this silence so I looked at her after putting my empty (third) bowl down.
*....Thank you, for helping me...I don't know if it was you but ...*
I didn't even look at her as I said it...I just said whatever came to mind. It was a mess but still.
*The...food was very good too, kinda spicy but good...*
I looked and waited, I wanted to hear her voice and know it wasn't a dream but all I got was a soft smile and a nod. I wasn't sure what to think...Could she understand me, or maybe she was just shy?
*By the way, my name's Locke.....What about you?*
A long pause....I watched as the girl dropped her gaze and seemed to be thinking before suddenly getting up and quickly movng over to a small drawer behind her. After a moment of rustling around with whatever she was doing she came back and started to write soemthing down. Before I knew what was happening she quickly turned, faced me and slid this piece of paper in front of me. Looking at her and then slowly at the piece of paper I saw only one word delicately written on it across the topmost line. It was the girl's name I think, I mean I wasn't sure but that seemed right. It read...
*...Kanon? Is that your name?*
I looked at her as I asked. The girl nodded as she pointed to the word. That's when I knew for sure that this girl must be mute.

fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
commented on
A quiet girl....
fullmoonprinny @fullmoonprinny
It was an awkward moment for me, moreso the surprise then anything. I just wasn't sure what to say but I didn't want to be rude, or try to anyway. The girl seemed to sense my unease and gave me a pat on the head. I must've looked at her oddly or something because when I tilted my head her way she giggled softly....It made feel kind of silly. Rustling around in my coat pocket I grabbed this small notebook I'd bought a while back but never used. Who knew I'd use it like this.
*....Here, use this.*
I handed her the notebook and she shyly took it and nodded. I just hope that was okay....
*in progress*
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