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Childhood girlfriend

Feb 10, 15 at 2:13pm
You never know what can blossom from a childhood friend! Don't shatter my visions of hope and love! XD Not that I've ever had one, though. It just seems really sweet that something like that can happen. XD
Feb 10, 15 at 2:13pm
I moved too often. Never had any childhood friends.
Nope. At least I don`t remember.
I'm still trying with mine. She's been playing hard to get for, oh I don't know like 8 YEARS NOW. It's complicated. Things have happened but nothing serious.
Nope, I've had child hood family though! Basically all the long lasting friends I've had, have basically become family. Treat them more like family then my extended, and I help them out to much now with how they act.
Feb 10, 15 at 4:49pm
@laughingman_dd Believe me dude its better not to go shoulda coulda woulda later in life. Make a move on your dreams. Money and technicalities are not a issue. Hell im moving to south korea and some would say thats crazy.
I had childhood friends but I was never allowed to get close to males.
Feb 10, 15 at 4:55pm
@( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) oniiai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "It's for your own good".
LOL right??? It was mostly my dad's fault and he never really allowed my older sister to get to know a guy really well because he would scare them away or be really nosey. But sadly he passed away 4 years ago.
Feb 10, 15 at 5:25pm
@( ͡- ͜ʖ ͡-) oniiai ( ͡_ ͜ʖ ͡_) Don't sweat it. I'm sure he meant well. We'll probably be giving the same desserts to our children.
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