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Kissing? What's is that? What even is that?

When you experience a deep and earnest love with someone and can feel the love emanated from one another just from touching lips... it's the most wonderful and endearing sensation in the world. I miss being in love with someone so very, very much.
*points at AfoMaru* This guy. This guy gets it.
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For the longest time in my middle school and high school days, I did a lot of research on kissing and different types of kissing and watched and read a lot of "how to kiss" videos and articles. Overall, kissing doesn't necessarily have many strict rules other than do what you and your partner enjoy (also, be comfortable). It is nerve-racking to find out "what people like" when kissing. So if you ever come across this situation, ask your partner what they prefer. Especially if you don't have much experince.
i agree, my first kiss sucked...no "spark" or "heat"...just two lips touching....and dont get my started on my first french kiss xD (was like thump wrestling but with tongues, AWFUL XD!!) i never understood how people just held each other and tongued like in movies and shows....
I hate tongue, doesnt do anything for me. I don't see the point.
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