how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid

kakashe @kakashe
how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid
kakashe @kakashe
i want to name my kid either goku, cloud, gohan, zoro, sanji, gawain, sasuke, naruto, madara, itachi, broly, jeriah, castiel, and a lot more. for females i cant think of much except kagome, selene, sokura, hinta, clair, and i got more i just cant think of anything else. the issue with american women is they want american names which i totally despise like all american names they are so boring and stupid japanese names are so coooool, i do know some of the names i listed are american but i like those ones.

neeto @neet_one
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how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid
neeto @neet_one
With names like those? Alcohol.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I'm still trying to figure out how to find my future wife, lol.

Juveh @juveh
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how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid
Juveh @juveh
or North West? :P ideal name for my kid....Dovakin!!!!!

SuperNerdJason @supernerdjason
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how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid
SuperNerdJason @supernerdjason
I think your best bet would be to fine a girl who is just as much into anime as you and would agree to name a child after an anime character.

smorgan17 @smorgan17
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how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid
smorgan17 @smorgan17
I don't think she would go for an obvious anime name, but you could probably get away with something more obscure. As for me I think I want to name my daughter Kes, but alas I'm in the same boat as vampire neko.

kc_watz @kc_watz
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how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid
kc_watz @kc_watz
I'm gonna name my sons Zelgius and Sigfreid. How do you convince your future wife? Be assertive lol, go all alpha male on her ass

xueli @xueli
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how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid
xueli @xueli
I suppose you can try if she's particularly doped up on anesthesia.... :/

Ryuuchi @ryuuchi
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how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid
Ryuuchi @ryuuchi
LOLOL!!! XD Silly xueli~
These kind of people scare me... And sadly this isn't the first thread I've seen on anime names. It must be so fucking worse for those poor children in Japan whose had otaku parents name them after an anime character and there surrounded by the anime culture so ALL THOSE KIDS KNOW! D: it won't be "Oh your name is so interesting never heard it before :)"
Nope it'll be, LOLOL WTF LOSER OTAKU NAME!!!" For those kids in Japan I'm guessing :( and this IS REAL I've seen someone' mention these people that are in Japan in a video that name there kids anime names.

usagimodoki @usagimodoki
commented on
how do i convince my future wife to let me name my kid
usagimodoki @usagimodoki
.....yeah I agree with xueli
you've also gotta think about how the kid would feel growing up with those kinda names >~>
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