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Nice guys or bad boys or mean guys???

I try to look past looks when looking for some girl to date,you see my friend is the nicest guy in the world and his girlfriend is really pretty,but she takes advantage of him and goes to other guys when he is not looking, there's also boys who look just for bad girls or whatever you wanna call it
I have asked a girl out after spending a half a semester talking with each other in class and I thought she like me and we could be more then class friends. Only to find out her saying she had a boyfriend(never mention) and then I say lets hang out as friends and she reject that idea too and stop talking to me after and talk to another guy in class after that.
If you have possible intentions of going out with someone, try to make that clear as soon as possible... after you've gone past her look and got to know her/him as a person. Love is complicated.
@luffy I would forget about her immediately not worth your time my brother. A nice guy? let's just say last year literally a girl that I liked told me this straight to my face. "you're too nice and if we would be together I think I would cheat on you"...AFTER I spent $1k on a date with her that included a broadway show, central park, and taking her to a restaurant 4 DAYS before. true story. So as to being a nice guy? yeah that's nice but you have to balanced or women will walk all over you.
well that's certainly a reasonable point of view Impacto. just try to be careful out there. Heartbreak sucks and the more you're attached to someone the more it'll hurt if they reject you.
I'm so sorry to hear that juveh that's literally fucked up.
Love is very complicated. I can't just fall in love with someone for there looks or form first seeing them. I start taking to them if I see something I have in comment with them at first it is what draws me in. Like a anime key chain on there keys or bag or I over here them talk about something I know, but this all has to be out side a con or comic shop. It use to be in class for me. Then I have a little opening I could start talking with them about.
@neet-one Oh... I know that but too well friend. Don't we all :|
Juveh that sucks to read man. You got to be careful how much you spend. I have learn movie or show dates are the worst can't talk to the girl at all. I only do coffee date for the first date, so we can talk and I can get to know her better and her know me better. We start having fun doing things once I find out what we have more in comment.
Impacto your young you will learn that heart brake sucks worst then anything and being reject suck to destroying your confidence.
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