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Nice guys or bad boys or mean guys???

People who cheat on there partner are still scum. It they want to cheat for the thrill they should cheat on your partner with there partner. Spice things up if they are boring. Like cosplay as a pool guy for your girlfriend or what ever her fantasies are. A good sex life leads to a good relation ship.
My thoughts on the matter is that women are indirectly attracted to jerks without really knowing it. See, the traits women typically look for in a man such as being confident, strong both physically and mentally, assertive/dominating, and a leader type with power over others. These are traits you'll usually find in jerks, but not so much nice people. many of these traits are ubiquitous with bullies/jerks/self centered assholes and the like. Jerks take what they want do what they want and push people around, this behavior sets something off in women who don't seem to realize they themselves probably aren't gonna get treated any better. In other words, fire can be a useful tool for cooking things but if you're not careful you can get burned too. Some women know this though and go for the jerks anyway in hopes of changing them into nice guys, but they find out the hard way that things don't usually work out that way. I'm sorry to say it but it's hard to pitty women that end up bouncing around from one abusing relationship to another. I mean it's one thing if these guys are forcing themselves onto defenseless women, but what I'm talking about here are girls who ignore common sense and actively seek out these guys who are blatantly bad news, all because they have one or two of the traits they like. Sometimes you need to stop and think things through, and maybe then you'll realize your instincts are leading you astray. It's really a matter of short sightedness, but to be fair guys are just as guilty of this too. Guys will ignore nice girls and go for the easy ones with big tits and a nice ass, then act surprised when those girls cheat on them and/or leave them for someone else latter. Everyone makes poor decisions, but some people never seem to learn from them.
As to why I was attracted to the mean type, I guess I felt a need to find out what made this person so mean. I wanted to break them down and build them into a better person, or at least discover a nicer side that only I could see.
Gotta agree with Luffy on that cheating thing. You wanna cheat? Don't be a relationship. Man up and face being alone for a while if that means breaking up with someone so you don't have to cheat on them. You wanna see other people while being in a relationship? Get into an open relationship. Cheating on your SO is such a shit thing to do. As for the whole, mean-nice debate, I really don't know. I've never met anyone really mean who was dating someone. However, if like attracts like, then I can see how they could be in a relationship.
usagimodoki your attracted because you believe you can chance the guy. That is a very motherly nature even those most guys don't chance. We are quite stubborn about chancing out way. Out pride and honor don't let us. Some of do change, but we have to want to. Neet-one seems to think women are submissive and like that guys dominate them. I think it can be broken down in to a pie chart. I'm starting to think that every person has there option on the subject, but there are some that relate on the subject. It is possible to find the highest percentage.
Girls are just as worse when it comes to change lol. I never understood the point of cheating. Hell, if you're miserable break it off and that's it. @usagi that's smart though because there is always a reason why a guy is mean aka Sasuke :P nah but again there is always a reason. Guys aren't born mean xD
Luffy, that feels like a bit much of a gross over simplification and a bit inaccurate. I don't believe I said anything that indicated I think only submissive women like bad boys. I said submissive women might sometimes find themselves forced into abusive relationships, but that in no way means girls who end up with jerks are all submissive.
@neet, tried to comment on your page, don't think it went through. Linked to me by a friend: (fixed) http://i57.tinypic.com/ab06f9.jpg
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ vampire_neko, it showed up as a blank post.
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