First game you ever played?
xueli @xueli
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First game you ever played?
xueli @xueli
Oregon trails on an Apple II
Manga_bird @manga_bird
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First game you ever played?
Manga_bird @manga_bird
First one I remember is Sonic 2
Pumpkin Monk @pumpkinmonk
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First game you ever played?
Pumpkin Monk @pumpkinmonk
Had a 2600 and a handful of games back then, so let's go with Pitfall.
Kohagura @kohagura
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First game you ever played?
Kohagura @kohagura
I can't even remember, because I've been playing games for longer than I remember... I remember we had a bunch of SNES and gameboy games. I mostly remember Kirby's Dreamland 2, DK Country, Lion King(SNES), and Mario games. There was also a Japanese one called Super Chinese Land or something.
We had an Atari too, but I don't remember playing it.
Gravix @gravix
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First game you ever played?
Gravix @gravix
Well the first game I can remember playing was doom 1 or 2 (I don't even know if it was 1 or 2 they seem so similar O.o) But since then Playing games always seemed to be a part of my life, lol
RX-37 @creedimrx37
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First game you ever played?
RX-37 @creedimrx37
Diablo i played the shit out of that game.
Mikorin @exad
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First game you ever played?
Mikorin @exad
My first game was something on atari :/ Could have been Q*bert or Paperboy or Pac-Man or Space Invaders :/ hmmmm.. hard to remember that far back
randyran @randyran
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First game you ever played?
randyran @randyran
Mine was either Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario Bros. . manymanymanymanymanymany ages ago back when my sister played video games. The NES wasn't even mine back then. It was just laying there and I just indulged in some mar-i-yo. A few yrs later I was introduced to my favorite video game character Sonic The Hedgehog. Had some really great times with the genesis classics. Still look forward to new Sonic games to this day.
lemon cat @hangdogboogie
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First game you ever played?
lemon cat @hangdogboogie
i'm going to take a shot in the dark and say Golden Axe, or Altered Beast.
lordragna37 @lordragna37
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First game you ever played?
lordragna37 @lordragna37
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