Another Otaku in Texas~

Sakumie Tenshi @sasusakubabymaniac
Another Otaku in Texas~
Sakumie Tenshi @sasusakubabymaniac
Hey, yeah, just me. :D I'm an Otaku in Texas who hopes to go to A-Kon 2012. Who's with me?

NicholasDWolfwood @nicholasdwolfwood
commented on
Another Otaku in Texas~
NicholasDWolfwood @nicholasdwolfwood
I have never actually been to a convention, but I am looking forward to A-Kon in 2012. Putting it in the schedule at work like 6 months in advance lol

huogir @huogir
commented on
Another Otaku in Texas~
huogir @huogir
I hope I can go to A-kon 2012 this year but my con is A-fest. But I am sad they changed the convention hotel :'(
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