Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
invisibal @invisibal
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Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
invisibal @invisibal
But seriously koala bears. We need to understand this behaivor come on guys. Focus.
usagimodoki @usagimodoki
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Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
usagimodoki @usagimodoki
Koala's are cute
Watch em eat grass and stuff, mad adorable
But the real problem with society is them aardvarks
who do you know says my favorite animal is the anteater
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
This account has been suspended.
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
I finally got the time to sift through this. That dude is either a VERY calculating, detailed, and dedicated troll or a nutter that needs to be reported to the authorities. His behavior could be a cry for help; that chat log about him "almost" raping 2 girls and having to stop himself....made my skin crawl that was co creepy. That single message alone merit's alarm.
I would report it to the authorities anyway to be safe. If he does this a lot on multiple boards I would tend to think this is not just a trollish hobby of his and needs serious professional help. Maybe this boards admin should reach out and compare notes with these other boards admins if they will talk about it.
Putting him on the authorities radar in the long run may be for the best. There are certain lines you just do not cross even in jest. You may not like the guy, but he may need help to understand his behavior is neither acceptable or healthy. If not for his sake, for the sake of those he has hurt already and may hurt in the future. What he is doing is psychological child abuse in the very least. How many therapists is he gonna keep in a job?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
Why is it I'm the bad guy for wanting Aschthebooty to actually do what he claims to be doing? I mean, I was told when you set your mind to something that you're suppose to commit to it. Fuck the haters. If Ashdabooty wants to commit suicide, who am I to tell him not to? I'm not his friend, family, associate, pastor, etc... If he needs support from a loved one he should go see his mommy. I'm not here to make some ignorant adolescent happy. I'm here for me. Fuck him. Stop giving this lil fucker all this attention. You wanna piss him off? Don't talk to or about him. when he makes a thread, don't comment in it. When he sends you a message, ignore it. Don't give that attention slut attention cause that's all you guys are doin. At least when I give him attention I'm also the primary cause of him leaving for months. Lest we forget, I'm the reason why he dipped the first time
xxoxzone @queenanise
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Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
xxoxzone @queenanise
This account has been suspended.
Amrod @amrodcalanor
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Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
Amrod @amrodcalanor
Agree with Kichi, if you're going to kill yourself do it lol.
Remember to slice upwards.
neeto @neet_one
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Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
neeto @neet_one
You shouldn't report someone to the police on something like that just based off rumors. If you know for a fact he's harassing underage girls then sure, but if it's purely conjecture I'd say try to gather up some evidence first, or at the least some testimonies from the victims.
I haven't really kept up on this situation that much, but so far from what I've seen it seems like it's mostly speculation, I could be wrong though.
I've heard some women claim they've been harassed, and I wouldn't put it past him, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Reporting someone to the authorities as a pedophile is serious business, and it shouldn't be taken lightly that's all.
edit; Impacto is being very clear that he was the one harassing her, so yeah maybe it's warranted after all.
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Should Aschthebloody be turned in by the authorities?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
Cutting across the wrist is just for attention. cutting up and down is for results. Take some Tylenol and sit in a bath if you do so. It helps opening up the veins and increases blood flow.
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