England Fans...?
rudders @rudders
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England Fans...?
rudders @rudders
This account has been suspended.
sado @sado
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England Fans...?
sado @sado
hey from grimsby even less otakus
robot_nyan @robot_nyan
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England Fans...?
robot_nyan @robot_nyan
Durham/Newcastle area :3 and there are many chavs around here too
sado @sado
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England Fans...?
sado @sado
lets be honest all of uk is pretty much chav infested
dark_angel15 @dark_angel15
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England Fans...?
dark_angel15 @dark_angel15
I'm from South East England ;D
Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
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England Fans...?
Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
England is shite if you're into anime and manga, and that includes the events, most of them have an age limit and they're all about drinking, like everything else in the fucking UK.
Now Borders is gone only HMV and Waterstones have a limited supply of anime and manga, and most Jap games don't get licensed at all, so if you like them you have to import and there's no reason to o somewhere like GAME.
overfiend_stew @overfiend_stew
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England Fans...?
overfiend_stew @overfiend_stew
I'm in the midlands.
To contradict Faintsmile's grey view on England a bit.
There are a growing number of us who attend amine/Manga events in England who DON'T drink alcohol. The drinkers that I socialise with rarely get completely pissed.
But I do agree,Yes. major chain stores are pitiful when it comes to otaku demands. Thank god for the internet.
A local Manga group round here was ran by a bunch of Highschool girls. Now then in college and also working on start the group up again. A simple motto could be learned from this. If you don't like something e.g. something lacks in your area and you want. Go about getting it changed yourself.
Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
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England Fans...?
Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
Any ideas how?
overfiend_stew @overfiend_stew
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England Fans...?
overfiend_stew @overfiend_stew
First I should really recognise have fortunate I am. Living slap bang in the middle of England. Knowing some other local otakus and the odd bit of luck. If I was totally alone I'd probably find it next to impossible to start.
I think it goes without saying to check meetup sections of convention forums first, don't go doing the work someone else might have started. But if your looking to start something I'll share my current actions.
As the local group hasn't actually meet for about a year I have started holding my own little cosplay picnics. First scouting suitable locations. nice place to be, good'ish transport links, nearest W.C's. I tend to use a local park, 10min walk from the Bus station.
Second research ways to contact local law enforcement / council events committee or anyone other government bodies / local companies you believe might want to aware of intentions. This more precaution then necessitate if using a public area.
Next Pick a date, time to start and end. Suggest what your planing to a few people. Maybe a facebook events page, post on forums of convention/events This is where I was fortunate 1 person happened across it and invited all her young otaku friends. Else it would have been me and 6 friends I already knew.
If you have a attendance you deem reasonable. Inform those that you need permission from of your intended date. If they say No hopefully you'll just disappoint a few. Typical attendance for regular meeting groups is the 30 mark. You can always try another day.
If alls ok Increase awareness of the event, leafets, posters in the manga section of local stores etc.
Certainly don't try aim for anything as big as convention level on your own.
Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
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England Fans...?
Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
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