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Having an Amicable Ex on my thoughts....

Got a slightly stressed out ball of thoughts that I feel like I need to bounce and perhaps getting some feedback on them will relieve it. Has anyone here ever experienced an odd (in a good way) bond with an Ex gf/bf/spouse where they're still consistently your friend and care for you deeply even after the break up? Things are solid between us as friends, heck we've promised that we'd swap sex stories later on and the like and we still chat about the old times and makes jests at eachother. I don't feel like this is an unhealthy thing and I'm throwing this out because I'm curious about myself. She knows I'm not pining for her despite my typically flirtatious (when I'm not serious like now) manner of speech and I'm not asking "Should I try to hook up with her again?" because both of us know full well we won't get back together, despite my body's (not my mind's) lust for her (which she also aware of). I don't know if this is the best place to really ask about this sort of thing, but getting anonymous unbiased feedback is something I feel like I need. Too many of my friends and coworkers unwitting throw mere sympathies my way and occasionally misunderstand, thinking that I am still after her. Am I odd in that I'm really nice to Ex even after suffering through months of heartbreak? The whole reason I launched myself onto this site was because of the hurt I felt a few months ago, but now that I've calmed down and reignited friendship, my minds gotten to a better place. Does anyone find this weird, or am I overthinking all this? I'm sorry if it seems like I'm all over the place. Bundles of tangled thoughts do not lead to concise sentences most of the time.
Nah bro, when I broke up with my girlfriend I disappeared. Changed number, flew to another state and deleted her from everything and all the people that kept contact with her. So in essence she pretty much stopped existing. Was pretty easy to get over the whole thing.
I don't think it's weird. Sometimes relationships are like that in that you're better friends than lovers.
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