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Nakama @jacob1 commented on Texting
Feb 07, 15 at 1:40am
I be my self. bad typing and all. I type a lot in my text, but you got to just be your self. The same person who you are with the girl when you talk to her normally you talk to her you just turn it in to typing. Also don't tex all the time with her. Be cool about it. Also be a little funny and charming. Be a gentlemen.
jas @jas commented on Texting
Feb 08, 15 at 8:46am
Use whatever communication skill you have when talking. Say something interesting and/or funny. Ask them questions in particular about themselves. When you want to cut the conversation short just let there last non-conversation statement be it such as when they go "lol" or just a smiley face. Also, don't freak out of the time between replies.
Agree with MangaBird. Back when I had cell phone my friend tried to "correct" me on my erroneous ways with the ladies over conversations in text. He had a set of rules that he followed religiously. Such as waiting certain amounts of time to send text, read text, etc depending on the time they took to send THEIR text and who the person is, where you met her, etc. Just be yourself and if she gets bent out of shape because she doesn't understand what you meant by something then say hasta la vista, baby. ( <---- That "baby" there is for you (; )
Juveh @juveh commented on Texting
Feb 08, 15 at 11:58am
that's the thing with texting. You never know what they're thinking or personality wise. You don't know if you're bothering them or if they want to leave you alone. Also I agree with the waiting time DO NOT freak out if she/he doesn't get back to you. IF she does then they care, if not you can understand they don't and just move on. Just be yourself, you shouldn't change for anyone and too many smiley faces can be a bad thing tbh, but then again it depends on the person.
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