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Help with something on my mind

why not focus on school and personal achievements first before entering intimate relationships? since you don't feel connected to anyone yet anyway..and you're still young. that girl/boy will come along eventually. you just have to be patient. :P
Jan 28, 15 at 2:15am
Real talk: your first relationship is probably not going to be your last. Over time you do stupid things to trip over your own issues. You meet people that you thought you liked and trusted but in the end had to let go. No one is perfect. It takes several tries to find that person who is healthy enough and will work with you when stuff happens. It may feel lonely now but there are many, many people out the to connect with. It's going to take making yourself available while not stressing over the outcome. So, don't go for the perfect romance. Just be available and be yourself. Oh, if there's one thing I could tell myself at your age: girls will use you as a booty call even if you made your intention clear that you want something else. Respect yourself.
I never had a girlfriend till 19. I saved myself for that perfect relationship, and actually, I had it :D It lasted a year, and I will never forget that... Though it sounds like I still love her, I'm the one that broke up with her :/ People change as they grow older, so my best advice to you, is to get a girlfriend that you find attractive, and that has the same ideal's as you do, and stick with her. A woman shines brighter with love, so you yourself have to treat her as your fairy tail princess in order to be the prince in a happily ever after tale.
Hey I have something on my mind!!! I'm kinda a shy person but why is it when I find someone interesting I feel like things get awkward?
@ Damion Er... how do you mean by awkward? I can deal with vague details, but that's a plethora of things to think about.
Ah teenage love... Don't sweat it kid, relationships are awkward and confusing and get easier with practice, and you have plenty of time to go at your own pace for now. You first few are gonna feel life shattering because it's new and your bodies will sometimes betray you. When you get love your gonna feel 50 feet tall, and when you lose it you will think you gonna die without it but it passes and is normal; it means you have feelings which is good...own them don't be pwnd by them. Taking each one on and learning it's lessons makes you a stronger person if you can manage the emotional consequences of including another person intimately into your life. It takes time, trial and error to find the one that compliments you or to even figure out what that is. At your age focus on enriching yourself as a person. You will meet many potential partners along the way. Do not be selfish but if you do not love and respect yourself first you will be poorly equipped to do it for another and have struggles. Relationships will offer the lessons and tests that will teach you if you can keep an objective eye.
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