What's your all time favorite game?
shadowskitch @shadowskitch
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What's your all time favorite game?
shadowskitch @shadowskitch
Hmmmmm..... my favorite game of all time that's a tough one there is to many consoles and there is just way to many good game just to pick one so i'll give my favorite game for each console i currently own!
NES- Legend of Zelda
SNES- Super Mario All Stars
PS1- Jade Cocoon (catch'em catch'em gotta catch'em gotta catch'em all JADE COCOON!! see what i did there LOL i was playing this game long before Pokemon became ever so popular) followed be Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross and Mega Man Legends 1 & 2
PS2- Shadow of the Colossus followed by Kingdom Harts series, Dark Cloud series
xbox original- Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2 (hands down my favorite for xbox i literally stayed up 4 days and 3 nights non-stop without any sleep playing this game surviving off nothing but Fiery Habanero Doritos and Mt.DEW Live wire yeah good times lol)
xbox 360- BioShock series followed Lost Odyssey
xbox one- As of yet Undecided
ロイ @wallace614
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What's your all time favorite game?
ロイ @wallace614
Bat sex
toribot @toribot
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What's your all time favorite game?
toribot @toribot
Probably the Sin and Punishment games, old school RE, and Metal Gear. It's hard to pick from those since they are all good in different ways.
yuyutje @yuyutje
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What's your all time favorite game?
yuyutje @yuyutje
diablo 3 i just play that game when i get bored of all other games plus i have another reason in the link :d
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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What's your all time favorite game?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
For me, it's motherf***in' Doom! Hell I grew up on that game and it holds up so beautifully today - it's a game I can always revisit and it's just as fun each and every time. I can safely say it's a timeless classic!
Nerd Taco @nerdtaco
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What's your all time favorite game?
Nerd Taco @nerdtaco
Metroid Prime all the way
Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
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What's your all time favorite game?
Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
@Nerd Taco: I loved Metroid Prime 1&2.. not a fan of 3 :l
Maybe it was just due to the Wii controls...
Nerd Taco @nerdtaco
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What's your all time favorite game?
Nerd Taco @nerdtaco
@Gwidhw Metroid games are just too good not to overlook
Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
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What's your all time favorite game?
Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
@Nerd Taco: Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion... good times.
I'm hesitant to try Other M, from what I've heard about it.. :l
robicho @robicho
commented on
What's your all time favorite game?
robicho @robicho
It is easier just to list my favorite from each system:
Gameboy: Tetris, Nintendo: Mario Bros 3 , Game Gear: Xmen, SNES: Zelda Link to the Past, Genesis: Toejam and Earl, PS1: Final Fantasy Tactics , N64: WWF No Mercy, Sega Saturn: Shining the Holy Ark, PS2: Persona 3, Game Cube: Tales of Symphonia, X-box: DOA Ultimate, Wii: Dead Rising 1, PS3: Dead Rising 2, X-box 360: Dead Rising 2 Off the Record or Gundam Dynasty Warriors 2
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