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Why are girls so confusing!

Yeah, that's what I've been thinking but she's just bounced right back into my life suddenly. It's hard to ignore her. Just gonna see what she does and quietly decide the situation.
Yeah, plus if she's willing to give you some... why turn that down ;)
Well, I can't lie about that but because I know her so well i'm not going to mention it.
Lol, if it happens, let it ride. :p
Have you told her how her actions are affecting you? Are you actually willing to persue a serious relationship with her? If so, does she know that now? Usually when someone is being confusing as hell, it's the lack of communication and perspective from both parties. Never assume, objectively speak your mind and seek answers.
Teenage girls especially (but some girls at any age) annoy the hell out of me because of shit like this. I once traveled cross country to be with a 17yr old girl I had known for years (a year in person) who said she loved me. 2 weeks after I got their she was back with her old bf. I was forced to spend the summer listening to them fuck in the next room. Long story. She pretended like I didn'r exist, not the first girl either. Done with that shit. A girl either needs to prove she is serious about me or I move on. I don't have time to waste on a girl that doesn't know what she wants or changes her mind every 5min and is in love with a different guy each week.
Tell her ass to chill the hell out and take a few days to think about what she really wants. Ain't nobody got time for that.
This type of girls put us on shame. She's a kid, move on.
From your descriptions, I honestly think she's not ready. I'm not sure what she's thinking of getting out of a relationship with you either. One thing I would really hate to see happening is that one party thinks of settling with the other for life, while the other thinks of just the whole relationship as a 'life experience'.
We are not confusing we are just mysterious and have our secrets.
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