Anime Apacolypse!!!

Luv4Nerds @luv4nerds
Anime Apacolypse!!!
Luv4Nerds @luv4nerds
It's a ways off but Anime Apacolypse is Dec. 20-23, 2012 (the weekend that the world is supposedly going to end). Whether you believe the world's going to end or not what better way to spend it than at an anime convention. So who wants to go?

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Anime Apacolypse!!!
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
I would love to but it's too far away on my budget.

Luv4Nerds @luv4nerds
commented on
Anime Apacolypse!!!
Luv4Nerds @luv4nerds
Ah that sucks, I don't know how much bus tickets are but the con hotel is down the street from a bus station. That might be an option :)

VashTheStampede @vashthestampede
commented on
Anime Apacolypse!!!
VashTheStampede @vashthestampede
I may be going to this, depending on how big it turns out. I talked to some awesome person at Ramencon about it for a while.
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