Aldnoah.Zero Season 2

TheOneWhoWishesToFly @theonewhowishestofly
Aldnoah.Zero Season 2
TheOneWhoWishesToFly @theonewhowishestofly
I can't think of any way for this to contiune, like I'm in total disbelief. All I want to know, from anyone whose seen it, is how?

yangusis @yangusis
commented on
Aldnoah.Zero Season 2
yangusis @yangusis
It was a pretty unforseen ending. Although it didn't give a lot of context except that bodies were missing? Anyway, I'm pretty sure they'll use the cast of side characters until they reintroduce the main characters again.
Btw, I'm TOO stoked for this season, I've been waiting all year for this :)

conquistador @conquistador
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Aldnoah.Zero Season 2
conquistador @conquistador
i was looking forward to it since inaho died but now he's back and i no longer want to watch it at all, its unfortunate that inaho's character ruined season 2 for me before it even started. dont get me wrong i liked the first season but i had to push myself to watch it because inaho, in my opinion is one of the worst main characters i've ever seen.

yangusis @yangusis
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Aldnoah.Zero Season 2
yangusis @yangusis
I really dig him, he's just someone who doesn't see meaningful connections with anyone, yet at the same time he's still fighting with his humanity to protect others. That and being incredibly studious does that to a person.
Also did not know he was officially back... :(

conquistador @conquistador
commented on
Aldnoah.Zero Season 2
conquistador @conquistador
oh haha sorry i just assumed you guys saw the first episode since it aired. i dont mind characters with that kind of attitude i rather like that actually but idk something about inaho's charcter is just really annoying to me lol. i think they did a great job with slaine as a character though.

yangusis @yangusis
commented on
Aldnoah.Zero Season 2
yangusis @yangusis
Alright, just watched the episode last night and it was alright, kind of cheap how they bring them back to life like that, wanted something grander but I'm looking forward to the season especially with how they're gonna bring back Asseylum.

conquistador @conquistador
commented on
Aldnoah.Zero Season 2
conquistador @conquistador
yeah i dont like how they brought them back its just so typical
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