Lets talk about Anime!

jabbrwock @jabbrwock
Lets talk about Anime!
jabbrwock @jabbrwock
Hello everyone! Excited to meet some fellow animation fans. Shoot me a message, no naruto fans :-)

Keanne @keanako
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Lets talk about Anime!
Keanne @keanako
Hi welcome to MO!

altair88 @altair88
commented on
Lets talk about Anime!
altair88 @altair88
Welcome, also what do you have against Naruto fanboys and girls. I ask out of natural curiosity. I hope you enjoy you stay here and I am also curious about your user name did you use it base on the Lewis Carroll's poem or perhaps the anime Project Arms.

Maikeru-Kun @lucidmaryalice
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Lets talk about Anime!
Maikeru-Kun @lucidmaryalice
Welcome jabbrwock, and no need to hate on Naruto fans ^^ I'm not a big one myself, but anyone is welcome to enjoy an anime they like!

jabbrwock @jabbrwock
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Lets talk about Anime!
jabbrwock @jabbrwock
The naruto line is a running joke of mine, it goes like this "I love high quality deep anime that leaves your wondering such as bakemonogatari, welcome to the NHK, Kyoukai no kanata", " oh me too, I love Naruto"......insert cricket chirp. Altair88, I adore Carrol.

Just here for the babes @xnano
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Lets talk about Anime!
Just here for the babes @xnano
This account has been suspended.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Lets talk about Anime!
neeto @neet_one
"high quality deep anime" "bakemonogatari"
ha, a real comedian this guy is I tell you.

Maikeru-Kun @lucidmaryalice
commented on
Lets talk about Anime!
Maikeru-Kun @lucidmaryalice
If you like deep anime that leaves you wondering, you might find a liking to Serial Experiments Lain, if you don't mind some of the more older anime.

jabbrwock @jabbrwock
commented on
Lets talk about Anime!
jabbrwock @jabbrwock
I'll check out Lain, Ive heard good things and bad things about it; by the way, if you guys are interested here is my anime list http://myanimelist.net/animelist/adamgratliff
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