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Anime girls>real girl

@Neet Hey man I don't throw myself shamelessly at any 3dpd walking by my way. I agree though, Humans aren't perfect, and to me, That's what makes us so interesting. That is true though, Quite a few people are just plain desperate.
Feb 01, 15 at 12:37pm
leo_ss yeah I'm not saying everyone does it, but many do. Those who do it don't even seem to realize how off putting that is, and how it just drives people away. Pretty sure a lot of women have left this site for exactly that reason.
Yeah, I can agree with that.
Well maybe you're right maybe you are not. Maybe I'm also doing drugs or maybe I'm not. There are a lot of different ways of thinking for each human being and I have no other option but accept it even when the person does not know the absolute true. Regarding the definition of "perfection" yes I agree perfection is perfection, tho this perfection is created by some imperfect being. Being that the case how are you so sure that perfection is actually perfect when is only perfect for you individually? What you think is pretty may be ugly for other person and viceversa. There's no such thing as perfection in this world because even the meaning of that word is wrong. How can we humans create something that's utterly and undeniably perfect when we can't even match our own definitions and limits? That's depressing. There is something this world is lacking and is accepting that the reality can't be more perfect as it is. The imperfection is only something the human being decided to put into "notice" to sell things. That's how this world works.
Feb 01, 15 at 12:56pm
"this perfection is created by some imperfect being." There is no if and or buts about it. imperfect is imperfect. By definition something imperfect can not be perfect. That's a oxymoron "how are you so sure that perfection is actually perfect when is only perfect for you individually?" Because 2D comes in all forms. It's perfection because it's tailor made for whatever you're looking for. No matter what you're into, the 2D world has something for you. "How can we humans create something that's utterly and undeniably perfect when we can't even match our own definitions and limits" Says who? "That's how this world works. " This world is a horribly ugly place full of nasty unspeakable things. To call it perfection is insanity. "Maybe I'm also doing drugs or maybe I'm not. " Your posts would certainly make a lot more sense were this the case. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lku74areIb1qha5lao1_500.jpg
*Sighs* Look if I were to explain how this world is perfect you wouldn't even understand what I'm talking about even when that information is basic knowledge to everyone. If you were to talk with two different scientists you will end up thinking the same thing. For people as close minded as you are there's no way anyone will change your opinions, and I don't blame you, you sure may have your reasons. Didn't I wrote in my first post in this thread that it wasn't directed to anyone particularly but to the whole human race? Didn't I wrote it was just only my opinion? Then why are you taking this upon you? I just wanted to argue impartially speaking about this world. I sure know the difference between what is perfect and what is not in this world. What I'm trying to say is that the things that are seeing as imperfect are not always the imperfect thing and the same happens the other way. But if that is too hard for you to understand, it's obvious this discussion is not going to lead us anywhere but to plain fight. Is no surprise, when people are so overly fond of something they would more likely defend it as thought is the real thing, however, when you enter adult life you'd realize fighting other opinions this way is just pointless. (I said this for experience not for my age) well, then again if for every person to individually realize how to put things to their favor in the best way for them even if they fail. There is always going to be someone with more developed bases and beliefs that oneself. For that is best to be open minded and prepared. Still is just my opinion.
maria & neet, I see where both of you are coming from. On one hand, in anime/fiction world, anything is literally possible since it's up to the creator's imagination. You could meet your 'perfect' friend/significant other. But even in that world, what you think is 'perfect' may be considered otherwise by your peers. In that sense, just like reality, the adage "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" holds true. On the other hand, in reality/the real world where we breathe, live and eat in, to find that someone who can understand and accept you as you are, flaws and all, is difficult if not few. It doesn't help either when the environment you are currently in is toxic and stagnant. While credit and respect should be given to those who strive to make the imperfect world we live in better, the very same people are not always paragons of virtue. In other words really, if you define 'perfect' as a universally accepted quality that one thinks is desirable, I could only think of two things: oxygen and water.
Finaĺly, thanks meister.
Feb 01, 15 at 10:34pm
not that this has anything to do with it,but when a real girl says she likes me in a romantic way,it feels awesome,because she chose to said that,she picked me, I don't know if i'm making myself clear,I don't think there's anything wrong with what many of you stated but I prefer real girls and it's just my opinion,the great thing about being able to choose it's that you can do or like whatever you like,if this is right or wrong it's another matter
Paragraphs, girl, paragraphs. I can't stand reading wall-o-text..
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