Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?

Rini @honda
Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?
Rini @honda
(I didn't see a topic for this yet, I apologize if there is already one or if this is in the wrong section ^^;)
Does anyone here speak a second language? (or more than one language?)
My native language is English, and my second language is French. I've been taking it for four years now.
Are there any languages you'd like to learn? Or can you teach us something in another language?
Personally, I'd like to learn Russian, German, and Japanese.
Some stuff in French:
Je m'appelle= My name is...(it literally translates to "I am called...")
J'aime= I like/love
J'adore=I adore
Je t'aime=I love you
Tu es très mignion(ne)= You are so cute
Il est beau=He is handosome
Elle est Belle=She is beautiful
Taisez-Vous= Basically means "Shut up"

Rini @honda
commented on
Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?
Rini @honda
I forgot to mention
Tu es très mignion(ne)= You are very cute
hurrr duurrr brain fart ^^;

cpbong @cpbong
commented on
Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?
cpbong @cpbong
I'm working on spanish and hope to learn some japanese in the future (I hate kanji though)

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
I speak English and Bad English (to quote Bruce Willis).

glez27 @glez27
commented on
Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?
glez27 @glez27
I know Spanish and Japanese :)
well basic Japanese took two college courses on Japanese and still want to take more ;P

Kronos @kronos
commented on
Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?
Kronos @kronos
English is my primary language. I am not fluent in some other languages, but I can figure out key phrases (I learned that skill from one of my previous jobs). However, I know snipetts of Spanish, German, and Japanese.

Deleted @namisetsaiii
commented on
Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?
Deleted @namisetsaiii
I speak English and Spanish. =]

CasioMaker @otacon85
commented on
Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?
CasioMaker @otacon85
I speak Spanish (my primary language) and fluent English. I also have some small snippets of both Italian and Japanese

bribloodXD @bribloodxd
commented on
Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?
bribloodXD @bribloodxd
english is my first laguage.but i also speak japanese and spanish :D

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
Anyone that can speak more than one langauge?
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
My native language is danish but, I'd have to say I like english alot more, and have come to consider danish more of my second language, and of course as all proper otaku should, I strive to learn japanese.
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