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Project NHK - Save Otaku: Metaverses Simulation.

I need be more specific. I loose easy my confidence. I need try again. Communication. Americans are unfortunatelly much more lazy to read, or care about different Ideas, except some real deal nerds. I think British people, and England are more concerned with this, we see through their TV programs. But they don't seem so open mind like my american fellows. I don't want ordinary people. That is why I'm in otaku comunity. Is to become otaku, or come as otaku. I watch animes all the time, because is like Inception the movie. We can use to project ourselves or to fall. A bit of insanity break safe limits that have been not explored well, or forgotten, with responsability is powerfull. Why people in here are not insane. So much people worried about their status and looks. that... I'm the only ONE that dont care. I think people cannot see. I wiil try again. Seems hard to don't fall over the edge. People full of prejudice, stupiditty, really make hard to deal with this planet. I will change this the best I can. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nqcL0mjMjw
"...We are living on the edge, you can't help yourself from falling"
Just some salt and pepper: Is not my preffered anime, because of my taste on this. But I give 9 out of 10! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHs5AjAvFoA
Hai! But I felt it shows only the bad side of being otaku. Otaku actually have many complexes created by a systematic intolerance to people that do not follow the same path as everyone. If our parents HAD VERY GOOD EXAMPLE OF HAPPINESS in their lifes, we wouls follow them, but they are suffering from a disguised capitalism slavery. Of course we can see in anime art something we are missing. We need heroes, justice, love, peace... Not war that send soldiers to die in vain! We need truth, leaders like mandela, Mahatma Gandhi that lead us with open hearts, love and justice. I know is not their fault today. As in middle ages we where slave of misguided church, today we and politicias are slave of the bourgeoisie... yet. (they are yet burning down the lung of the world every damm day)
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