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What do you think of yourself?

@usagimodoki, I think you already find your positive attractiveness just don't hit people. Not many people are masochist :D.
I think I'm a coin, with two sides that are polar opposites. I'm not saying I'm two faced, I'm just saying I have two personalities.
@Animefood Lol yeah. They don't like being hit.
Hmm good question I see myself as an honest individual, Who expects the best out of myself out of everything I do. I lead every group I've ever been in, And people listen to me more so then others, So I guess I play the leader role. I have a fierce temper that clouds my judgment more then a little and has literally made me see nothing but white and feel utter rage and the need to hit something is often my outlet( Poor trees). I often seclude myself when angered so I don't hurt others and I'm the type of person that loves to help others in their problems, But I need to handle my own, by myself. So I'd say I'm a bit more prideful then I rather like. I think before I act, But I rather follow my instincts on something then anything else, Since they've never failed me before. I'm quite loyal so I expect loyalty in return from those I give it too, Not as much as I give, But enough to know you got my back. I love. loving things, Though I'm quite picky on what I love haha, I don't really care about spending money on others, But I love to get money as well, So~ I don't know if that counts as greed. I'm way to stubborn then I should be, Not that I can't say I'm wrong I do that a lot actually, But in the fact once I start a job, I won't stop even if I hurt myself in the process until its completion. And I won't ask for help either even if I need it, and just finish it ending up messing myself even more so. Overall, I'm a Loyal, Prideful, Helpful, Easily Angered, Open Minded,Protective, Stubborn person, who just wants to do his best in helping himself and others despite his many flaws. Oh yeah and I can't shut up either when I'm talking unless it's truly needed. You tell me what you think of me, But it sadly will not change me since I already know most of faults and honestly already fixed a few unmentioned ones, So nothing I can do that I'm already not.
Quiet (More like dead quiet) Calm Geeky Friendly Apathetic The person who gives without hoping for anything in return Somewhat depressive Creepy
Dense as fuck Talk too much Care too much about other people Bad at videogames
Sanity. Pacience. Serious Guy. I have no sense of humor. But sometimes I can be sarcastic.
It's really an odd question. You see, it's all a matter of perspective. A person's perspective could change at any given moment based on mental state or external stimulus, so self-analysis can often yield very different results from one moment to another. So as for what I think of myself, I think I'm pretty normal like most everyone else. I excel in some things, and struggle in others. I'm generally nice, but sometimes I get upset. I'm very patient, but we all have our limits. I don't think I'm utterly undesirable, but I'm also not a rich sexy tan movie star who also happens to be English royalty and a vampire werewolf that's 8 feet tall and can bench 2 tons. I don't feel that I'm either perfect or rubbish. I just float around somewhere in between, like everyone else here (whether they see it in themselves or not). I'm special to those close to me, and completely arbitrary to the rest. Whatever good things I could say about myself could probably also be said about anyone else here. The differentiating factor is the balance that defines you in the eyes of others. I'm not the same thing to everybody, because compatibility in various ways between people differs from person to person. To some I'm funny, to some I'm smart, to some I'm nice, to some I'm mean, to some I'm rich, to some I'm poor, to some I'm attractive, and to some I'm ugly. I don't have a universal opinion of myself that always holds true, and neither do the people around me. I think I wrote too much :)
I'm a boss
Nov 25, 14 at 9:15pm
Basically: I'm the best person alive EVER HAHAHAHA! Second only to Jesus baby!! ...I'm just kidding.
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