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That First Step...

So I've been out of the relationship game for 3 years now. I'm finding it hard to even talk to girls at the moment as I'm never to sure what to say. So I guess what I'm asking is what do can I do to break the ice? What works and what doesn't? I would also like to know from the female perspective what they like to her and what works?
Casual talk is the way to go at first. Remember if its someone you don't know ask questions to get to know them and it also helps them see your interested in them not as a potential girlfriend but as a person first and foremost. Like what kind of music they like,what do they do for fun,what she do the past weekend. Pick up from there. You will know if they want to continue with the conversation. NO straight offensive shit like Hey Can I get them 7 digits? Or damn girl YOU FINE!!! lol Be yourself and never do anything that isn't you because then you will build a potential relationship on false pretenses. Anyway good luck and if you have any other questions I'm always here.
@ms. Akashiya, I agree with what you said. Starting a conversation is a key point to a whole relationship. Some of them just too shy to talk to a stranger. Your best bet is to not look at them as potential gf. You need to treat them as a friend before planning to make a home run. In math, we have to do it step by step. You first need to identify your personality then use it as an approach. Another way would probably amuse them to like you. This approach would be hard if you are not a humor person. Unless you got money, you can buy love I guess but make sure you got enough ammo.
It's the same way as 3 years ago. Talk to a girl you have interest in, find common ground, start as friends and see where things go. Don't wait too long, otherwise you may moss your chance; let your intentions be known when the time is right. Most importantly, grow a set and have confidence in yourself. Women notice that.
Ummmm... break the ice? A fully equipped Ice Breaker ship will cost about $850 million - er.... Don't forget about god sense of humor. http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/sense-of-humor
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