LoK Book 4

chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
LoK Book 4
chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
A forum for fans of Legend of Korra to talk about the released episodes and what may happen for the finale.
WARNING: SPOILERS (So if you haven't caught up, then don't read on lest you ruin all the goodness)
Anyways, Mike and Bryan really have outdone themselves. Compared to TLA my love for Korra grew more during the 4th book cause it brings so much to the table. It's by far my favorite season of the avatar spinoff.
Not only does it have amazing voice actors, but the animation and compliants I had for the other seasons, really got uped for this one and it has definitely exceeded expectations.
I really wonder what action our Avatar is going to take to stop Kuvira and her army, will Toph make a reapperance to help Korra again? Just so many things I can't wait for.
Also if you aren't a fan but reading this, your welcome to comment, but don't just talk about how terrible it is if you are more of a TLA fan. I know, its not as great as the original, but don't ramble on about it.

miss_lisa @miss_lisa
commented on
LoK Book 4
miss_lisa @miss_lisa
I think that they did a great job handling the three year story gap. I also love Korra's new look.
I also believe Toph has to make a reappearance. Not just to answer who fathered her children, but probably to help Korra get over her apparent PTSD.
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