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Introverts and Extroverts

Jan 02, 15 at 5:40pm
introvert.. its hard for me to keep friends,, you meet them then few days latter your strangers again.. I dont also like group discussion, i feel uncomfortable and awkward.. i need help
Jan 02, 15 at 5:47pm
i'm an introvert i have my group of friends and we hang out with eachother but never with others its just too awkward
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Extrovert, can't imagine being a introvert with my job.
I'm a mixture, more leaning toward introvert as of late. I don't hate going out, but I typically prefer just staying indoors.
introvert. People irritate me and drain me, i keep a few close acquaintances but don't talk much to anybody else. When in social situations (like my job, since I'm technically a hairdresser) i kinda just put on the "auto-pilot mode" and just make random ass small talk (such nice weather today, have your grandchildren visited? how's your daughters pregnancy going?) and distribute fake smiles.
It's funny that you mentioned hairdressers. I dread going to the salon because I know there's going to be a lot of small talk and there's no way to avoid it cause I'm going to be in this chair for the next 2-10 hours. T~T
Fake smile = murder face(In anime) ^^; *Shrugs* I prefer solitude, most other people irl are too slow for me. Or they just waste my time with useless and trivial conversations(Although they don't talk about anime so that's kind of why).
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