Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
commented on
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
You guys don't subscribe? I pay for it. It's hella cheap and hella useful
iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
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iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
Yeah I subscribe. Not to the manga part though. I've got other places for that....
da_uman @da_uman
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da_uman @da_uman
Yeah I subscribed for the manga for a month to check it out but the selection on offer ain't much at the moment and isn't worth it just yet. They only started branching out into manga recently so I'm sure in a few years time when the catalogue gets bigger it'll be worth the extra cash.
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
I would never sub for the manga. Especially since there's too many sites where I can watch/download a larger selection from exist.
Anywho, the reason I even mention the crunchyroll is cause I made a group on there as well, I will post the link when I finish tweaking the page.
SquidNeko @darkcharmander
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SquidNeko @darkcharmander
Im using Crunchyroll and have payed for it for over 2 years.
I can watch alot on there in HD. And im helping support anime makers. :3
guylazer @guylazer
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guylazer @guylazer
I use Crunchyroll on my TV for the high quality. But I don't pay, because I don't really have the money to be paying a monthly subscription to watch cartoons. And the ads don't bother me all that much. I'd prefer to watch on a site with ads where the creators of the show get a cut of the money, than watch for without ads or for free and they don't get anything from it. I like to support the people that make the things I enjoy.
SquidNeko @darkcharmander
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SquidNeko @darkcharmander
Ads on most free to watch sites mostly just go to the site though.
Which is kinda sad.
guylazer @guylazer
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guylazer @guylazer
That's true, but I believe with Crunchyroll some of the money at least does go to the ones that own the anime. I may be wrong, but I think that's how it works with them. It's just a shame that because of that, they have trouble getting the rights to have some series on the site, especially outside of America
Sai @sai_cx
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Sai @sai_cx
I use Crunchyroll, and sometimes Hulu has anime Crunchyroll doesn't so Hulu too!
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
I too have a hulu+ account as well as Netflix. I'm thinking bout getting a Funimation account.
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