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how long is too long to be in love

I broke with my ex about ... a year and a half ago, and im still in love with her. I have dated other people, and at one point i thought i had moved on, but we recently started talking again and everything came flooding back. You may think me wierd or crazy, and you might be right, i'm absolutly crazy for this girl. Shes been in a relationship for 10months, and shes happy, and even though people keep telling me i should be happy for her, i think that's bull. I want her back, and thats about the crux of it. Just wanted some advice weather i should give up and admire from a distance, or if i should carry out one of the many plans ive come up with on lonely nights to try and recover the thing we once had...
Not to be rude but you guys broke up for a reason right? If she's already in a relationship you shouldn't try to get at her.Just saiyan.
We broke up because i had an alcohol problem
I understand your feels bro. Just talk with other girls, and the biggest thing is to push her out of your head. Keep busy and don't give your mind the time it needs to beat itself up in bad thoughts
To answer the very first question: Eternity To answer the rest of it. Nothing can ever really be like it was. You can't be with her unless she wants to be with you.
Thanks for all your input and advice. And @triple stuffed oreo
I might just do that.
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