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Having a crush that will never be more than that.

Sooo, I have a huge crush on one of my friends, but I know it will never be more than me having a crush on her, we will never be in a relationship 1: She is already in a very happy relationship, and i am pretty sure that she would never be happier with me, than she currently am. 2: she is moving pretty far awya in 1½ year, so even if i ever got the chance it would be over again pretty soon, because i have no plans of moving. But I'm actually okay with not getting to be her boyfriend, because i know that she is happy as she is now, and i still get to be a regular friend of hers, and I have never been happier than i am, when I'm with her and her friends. Also, her boyfriend and I are pretty good friends too, so it would sadden me if they ever broke up, because then two of my friends would be hurt. So I'm not really looking for "Relationship advice" as the thread might suggest, but I felt like i needed to get this of my chest.
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