Anime Wallpapers !!!!
Toby-san @zombesnipr
Anime Wallpapers !!!!
Toby-san @zombesnipr
Hey! Everyone, names Toby, I do anime wallpapers, Banners, etc.
Ill put a few up here and the rest can be found -Here -
This is my Favorite wallpaper, Prob cause i made it today.
Feel free to critique my work, and if you like it, then head over to
altair88 @altair88
commented on
Anime Wallpapers !!!!
altair88 @altair88
FANFAWKINGTASTIC!!!! I personally don't know how much work goes into these but simply amazing bro.
Toby-san @zombesnipr
commented on
Anime Wallpapers !!!!
Toby-san @zombesnipr
@altair88 Thanks you, and when it come to how long it takes, it really depends on the wallpaper. On my deviant art i got some that took like half an hour and some that took like 3 days.
Examples being the 4th one took me 2 hours and the 2nd one took me 3 days haha.
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