Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
@kc yes they are scary and they like to torment me by being all over the place even though i hate them, got bit by one and had a bunch of babies run up my hand
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
@ryan why just why
Ryan @ryanshigure
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Ryan @ryanshigure
i couldn't resist
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
i died so hard when i saw that @smitty/ryan
kc_watz @kc_watz
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kc_watz @kc_watz
I've been bit by dogs.. Attacked by a German Shepard when I was a kid. I understand the inherent fear, but don't bully the Lil guys D':
IDGAF @metalshadown64
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IDGAF @metalshadown64
This account has been suspended.
altair88 @altair88
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altair88 @altair88
Spiders are a much needed evil but if we didn't need them they should all burn. Or at the very least say away from me xD.
kc_watz @kc_watz
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kc_watz @kc_watz
Oh.. Just gonna go cry at the thought of innocent spiders suffering as they are burned to death.. :'(
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
my pitbull ACHILLES!!
kc_watz @kc_watz
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kc_watz @kc_watz
I want a pet bat. They are the coolest little guys! It breaks my heart to know people kill them as a pest.
You shouldve seen my reaction to finding out "chicken of the carribian" is actually iquana.. D:
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