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Anyone here who has never had a bf/gf?

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@animefood - You know, I always thought it was interesting how social rejection actually causes physical pain. Being rejected actually activates the same parts of your brain as when you're physically hurt. I don't know about how much it'd hurt more if you're rejected after a period of time, but maybe
Yeah just once when I was like 13 ^^' all we did was hug hold hands talk and walk home everyday but those days make me smile and scowl because it's not all rainbows
You're a scatman! Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub.
Rejection sucks but you've gotta accept it and although it is hard to move on it's better than rubbing salt in the wound ^^"
True that, you either dwell on it and become a bitter person because of it. Or move on with your life, and come out better because of it. You're lucky to find that out at such a young age, many people live their whole life without knowing it.
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Theres a good lesson to be learned to taking control of your life and focusing on it rather then spending gobs of time looking for relationships. People are drawn to those who can socially attribute themselves without the need of relationships.
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See if you really want a relationship it'll come but until then just focus on ways to spend your valuable alone time and better yourself
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