Holiday Matsuri Dec 12-14 Dramatical Murder Panel

VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
Holiday Matsuri Dec 12-14 Dramatical Murder Panel
VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
Wanted to see whose going and if people were interested in being a panel. It's yaoi and 18+ only. We are doing in-character q&a, fanservice and other stuff.
Characters available are Clear, Mink,Trip, Virus, and Mizuki.

LameDudeConnor @lamedudeconnor
commented on
Holiday Matsuri Dec 12-14 Dramatical Murder Panel
LameDudeConnor @lamedudeconnor
I'd hit it up for sure. Still have to make sure it's all green lights for going, but if I do I'll drop in. :)

VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
commented on
Holiday Matsuri Dec 12-14 Dramatical Murder Panel
VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
Awesome! Hopeing the panel is approved since the form was already submitted. Still missed three characters too but hopefully we will have them by the day
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