Cyberpunk anime thread~

sexyshinjiikari @sexyshinjiikari
Cyberpunk anime thread~
sexyshinjiikari @sexyshinjiikari
Hey everyone, thought we *might* need one of these for any of you out there who love cyberpunk, sci-fi, space opera, space western anime!! Think stuff like Ghost in the Shell, Harlock, Cowboy Bebop, all that kinda stuff... I love it a lot but haven't really found anyone else who likes it too since all the newer, cutesy animes seem to be popular (not that they're bad of course!!)
So yeah, go wild kids, recommend stuff, tell others about your faves, gogogogo!!

kc_watz @kc_watz
commented on
Cyberpunk anime thread~
kc_watz @kc_watz
The only cyberpunkish anime i can recommend is Psycho-pass. (mostly cuz im not 100% sure what cyberpunk is..)
But if youre just looking for something good, not so new and not "cutesy" i can help a lot more.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Cyberpunk anime thread~
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Only one that comes to mind is Armitage III and I don't remember how much Cyberpunk it is...

lm9joe @lm9joe
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Cyberpunk anime thread~
lm9joe @lm9joe
I'm very heavy into science fiction/Cyberpunk Outlaw star, Bubblegum crisis Tokyo 2040 and Appleseed just to name a few.

rayzei @rayzei
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Cyberpunk anime thread~
rayzei @rayzei
GITS is probably one of my all time favorite, and i kinda get emotional now when i think about GITS. Let me explain. A few weeks ago, there was an event, in Montreal, that is called the Fantasia movie festival.This year, there was a very special event. They got Mamoru Oshii to travel all the way from japan to Canada. I heard he didnt come to northern america in maaaaany years! I hitched hiked from quebec city to get in montreal, there was no way on earth i would miss that, EVER! I got there, and apparently, the event , which was a GITS screening (original 1995 version with remastered sound), as well as a presentation of a special award to Oshii sensei for his lifetime achievement. I got sooo pissed when i realised that this was sold out as of the first day that they were selling tickets. Buttttttt i talked to the right people at the right time, and i managed to sneak in, and i got a seat second row, with the press! I was almost crying at this point. But this gets better. They made a really short Q&A (only 2 question, he had to grad a plane...) and i was one of the two luckiest bastards on earth. I got to ask my question to Mamoru Oshii, the legend! I still feel shivers running down my spine when i think about it...! Oh, and we also were the 400 first persons in the world to see the trailer for his upcoming movie, Garm Wars: The last Druid. We saw the final version of the trailer at the same time as him For F**** sakes :D:D:D
Where's the fangirl off button again? its probably broken anyway XD
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