Good morrow! ^^

wolfsgeist59 @wolfsgeist59
Good morrow! ^^
wolfsgeist59 @wolfsgeist59
*ahem* Hi folks, I just figured I should perhaps offer a brief introduction... would seem to be the polite thing to do...
Anyway, my name is Tiras, I've been inspired by various anime and manga series for some time now (alongside my collection of classical/archaic literature... an obsession bordering on bibliophilia)
By some strange chance I happened across this site, and joined with the hopes of meeting some like-minded passionate anime/manga/graphic novel fans and cosplayers to play with and engage in some beautifully geekish conversations ^^

LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
commented on
Good morrow! ^^
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
Good marrow to you as well fine otaku fan
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